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Saturday, August 31, 2024

Time vs. The Truth

 Some scientists now believe since the universe is so much math that it begs for a creator. 

That being said, believing that the universe is only a couple thousand years old because of the life times of Adam on through until today has its flaws, too.

 The God that always was and always will be - as an eternal being - probably did not count existence via time as the main source of measurement. 

Adam & Eve, once created, probably lived by these same terms and would had only counted their life existence after being kicked out of the garden.

 It is very possible that we don't have any idea the total time Adam and Eve existed, only the time that they lived as being doomed by death. They could had existed billions of years for all we know.

Don't believe in my theory? Good. Don't. 

Jesus is the Light. The Way. 'The Truth!'

The one thing about The Truth, once you recognize it as the truth, all lies must face off against this Truth.

This is also the gist of science. Good science. 

The Truth. 

If your whole faith is based on the world only being 6,000 years old, yet science claims it's billions of years older than that, you have to ask yourself, why all the evidence to the contrary? Fossils, petrified wood, weathered mountains.  

God is not the deceiver. God is The Truth. Instead of limiting your knowledge of The Truth: Expand it.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

A reed blowing in the wind

 ...they called in a car bomb...

...used a three point of attack ...

...while I counted to eight hundred million...

...Andrew was there...


...anyone stupid enough to come into *MY* house...

...gets what they get...

...they think tip of the spear...

...I say tip of the iceberg...

...Nebuchadnezzar will suffer from Insania Zoanthropia...

...not a vision...

...not prophecy...

...but the hand writing on the wall...

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Trouble With Can't Convict


 3 days into the future

Somewhere in Belgium in a deep, dank dungeon prison cell.

The sound of a power drill can be heard torquing the last bolt onto the iron mask that is covering the prisoner's face.

The prisoner is strapped to a chair. There are three helmeted men with face masks standing around him.

"You can't do this," says the man in the iron mask, his voice shaking in terror, "It's illegal. I could die, here."

"That's the point," said the man handling the drill to another man, "Except, there is no could. You will die here."

"But that's, that's...stop. Please, stop. I can pay you."

"We've heard that line before," said the man now holding the drill. "You'd stiff us just like you stiffed everyone else."

The third man raises his visor showing the man in the iron mask exactly who he is.

Shock comes into the eyes of the man in the iron mask.

"Dad sends his greetings. Don't worry. You're old. What ya got? If you're lucky, 2-3 years? Your accomplices are all dead. Shot in the head. You're the lucky one."

Six weeks and two days later.

At The White House press conference. 

"Mr. Mr. President. What about Donald Trump?"

"Donald Trump," begins the President, "Declared himself not a flight risk and disappeared from Mar-a-Largo 6 weeks ago."

"Mr. President!"

The President raises his hand, "Having missed his court dates, We- The United States of America- consider Mr. Trump a wanted fugitive. He is the leader of a terrorist organization that tried, tried to take over the United States government on January 6th."

"He is considered to be a dangerous threat to our government. And, we intend to find him."

Hands raise. The President points to one. "Mr. President, his allies claim that since The Supreme Court ruled that a president can not be held accountable for eliminating a political rival, that, Sir, Mr. President, that you've kidnapped him."

"You see, that's one of the reasons that my administration has always - Always- disagreed with that ruling. That it could be used against The United States."

"But, Mr. President, did you take him?"

"No! Emphatically no! In fact, it could be equally assumed that Mr. Trump went onto hiding just so I could be accused of this very thing."

The President holds up his hand, "My administration - The United States government- denies all- and I mean all- claims that we would have any knowledge of where Mr. Trump is. But, we will find him. And we will hold him accountable."

"Couldn't only an elite team like Seal Team 6 had taken him from Mar-a-Largo?"

"Look, a while back a Chinese fella just waltzed right in there. It's more likely he left on his own accord."

FOX News: Wouldn't it just been easier for you to take him? I mean, according to The Supreme Court, you're totally allowed."

The President grabs the podium with both hands and leans forward, "Dang Darn it, man, We disagree with that law. It's not American. I am The President NOT a dictator. I will NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER do such a tragedy of American justice."

"Look! Look, he's more likely staying with some old friends. Perhaps, trading America's secrets for his freedom."

"Let's get this straight:  Trump is a wanted man. He ran. It's that simple. And we will get him. We will not rest until We find him and bring him to justice. We will try him and lock him up."

"Next question. "

Saturday, June 17, 2023


 Let's say that socializm is the biggest evil in the world.

Led by the *D* evil. Perpetuated by the dastardly Democrats.

BRrrr! May I say it?


Now, that we all agree on that; I question you: What is the 100% number #1 form of socializm? 

A. The government acts for and controls all the aspects of said citizens lives: completely. 


AND: The number#1 reason how this is done?

*Money*! $$$ *CASH* 

Cash touches everyone. Name one person anywhere in our county that cash doesn't meet.

This 'cash' ebbs and flows in power and strength, pulsating in all of us. It ebbs and flows through each of us. We are in the use of this power. Rich or poor. Good or bad. Young and old. Man or woman.

$$$ !!! Hello?!? 

And....what country is-by far- the most badass kick butt-Out of control MONEY Mongers!

<Capitalism > *USA*USA*USA* <Capitalism>

We have Most of the world's richest men!

We use Most of the world's resources. 

Our health system SUCKS! Not only pushing citizens to the limits, but our health professionals has well.

The propaganda machine controls what we eat and what we do not to eat. What we will buy.What we can't buy. Whom we may hate. Those we may like.

Don't believe me? Okay, you Ohio State fans, yell: *GO-BLUE!*

Michigan fans: *Go-Buckeyes*

 Go Biden! Say it!

Go Trump! Yell it.

FOX News paid three quarters of billion dollars and admitted that they willingly misled you-their viewers-about the election results. It turns out, they knew that Biden won. By millions. Millions.

Yet, they yelled, 'Crooked voting machines!" and played the angles like they meant it.

Would you have protested on 1/6 if FOX told you the truth, that Trump lost the election? Would have you even considered it?

I have always thought it was a big risk for FOX to intentionally mislead It's fanbase. Everything could had been lost. How did they know it wouldn't be?

My opinion is that they lied because they constantly mislead their viewers and listeners. To lie to them again about the election was a no-brainer. 

Just think, FOX News almost caused a successful insurrection of our country just to keep its ratings up!

<Capitalism >*Money *$$$*CASH*!<Capitalism >*SOCIALIZM*!

Go ahead, by ones count to eight hundred million dollars. Let me know when you finish. 


Sunday, April 30, 2023

Crazy like a FOX

When Fox News(sic) agreed to pay Dominion Voting Systems over ¾ of a billion dollars in a defamation lawsuit, I feel they got away lucky.
Or maybe luck had nothing to do with it.
By entering into a pretrial settlement FOX guaranteed defamation would be the worse of their problems.
Released documents showed that across the board FOX News(sic) knowingly misled and out and out lied about the outcome of Presidential election to save their ratings. The more they lied, the higher their ratings. The higher the ratings, the more money they made.
One of the victims of this ruse was Dominion Voting Systems. But in a real sense, the American people were the real victims, here.
What if denying the election results was also a call to arms to its constitutes? What if was a call to rally the troops?
I mean, wasn't denying the integrity of our voting system a risk? Nah, because they not only knew their audience, they knew how to manipulate it.
Here's how.
I have heard more than one FOX News(sic) supporter announce their love for Tucker Carlson. "He's the only only willing to tell the truth!" they have said.
It's funny because, while his show mimics actual news programs, there's actually very little fact in it. As a commentator, Tucker deals,rather, in opinion.
Here's the difference.
Say, after I taste a green gummy bear, I claim that it tastes like strawberries. Let's have a fictional Tucker Carlson disagree. Fictional Tucker says that it tastes just like sour apple. This is opinion.
Now, the company that makes these green gummy bears decides to enter the fray. The gummy bear makers claim that with vigorous research and taste tasting, they got the strawberry flavor perfectly just right. It even says so, right on the candy's bag. This is the truth. If this fictional Tucker Carlson says, " The candy company claims that their green gummy bears are strawberry flavored, " Tucker is also telling the truth.
However, if fake Tuck then goes on, "But the company is actually giving us false news. Who has ever heard that green gummies being
anything but sour apple? Lime might be acceptable, but strawberry? Strawberry? No way. Their fake green flavored strawberry gummy bears are fake news. They are so woke; so politically correct, it's un-American." Then this faux Carlson is not telling the truth. He is lying.
Mimic of the news. Not telling the truth.
Not the news.
Fans call into the show in droves. Rating go up. "Strawberry gummies are not green!"
Our not Tucker doubles down, "Do you know how I know the evil gummy company is pushing its liberal agenda? Their dark red, maroon, gummy bears are the actual strawberry flavored bears. We're being lied to, people. And the question is, why are we buying this snowflake inspired companies product if it can't even tell us the correct colors and flavors? Why are we buying their product? Strawberry/ green gummies: outrageous! "
This is not only lying, this borders on defamation.
FOX does this all the time.
Before false Tucker got hold of it, did any of his base really care one way our the other about what flavor their gummy bears where? Evidently not. The packaging was like that for years. No one cared.
FOX does it all the time. People's childhoods are suddenly ruined by a canceled Dr. Seuss book that they may have read once. A late-night talk show host's so-so joke takes up half of each hour's broadcast. Let's go, Brandon becomes a thing.
Things that normally good people wouldn't care one iota about, now, take up a good portion of the FOX listener's day.
Of course the FOX fans were going to believe FOX's preaching the election was rigged. FOX just paid over ¾ of a billion dollars admitting that's exactly what they set out to do.
You may ask, without FOX New's urging, could had the 1/6 insurrection happened? If FOX News reported the truth, that Joe Biden won by a large margins, would had the viewers taken encrypted text messages, taken work days off, and made plans to attack the Capitol building?
In my opinion, no way. FOX News( sic) went way beyond defamation. By intentionally bypassing the truth of the presidential election and questioning the integrity of its results, FOX went into the realm of propaganda against the laws of the America. Thousands of Americans took their call for revolution based on FOX News 'literal' fake news.
Yes, Crazy like a FOX. Three quarters of a billion dollars is getting off easy. This could easily had been the death knell of the - as some claim - lying liars that lie - FOX News Network.
All reactions:
Robyn Stahler Wunderle, Tammie Wunderle and 3 others

Friday, June 24, 2022

The Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome

 The reason that most Trumpsters don't believe that Trump lost the election can be simply explained by: The Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome. 

I.e. ... pretending that you see something that isn't really there, so that you won't be ostracized by your friends and neighbors. 

Let's go back a step or two to better explain this further.

Some Americans claim Trumpsters' faith in their inspector Clouseau level ex-president is because these Trumpsters are in a cult: The cult of Trump. 

The better truth can be found in the Trumpsters learned Tribalism attitudes. Tribalism espouses that in one's own tribe or social group that there is not only a strong loyalty to the group, but a necessary blind faith and loyalty to the tribe's leader.

In Tribalism this faith in their leader is not based on this leader's actions, but in the fact that this the leader.

For instance, say the leader spends most of the tribe's resources on building a damn. When the damn floods half the tribe's fields, the tribe does not condemn this leader. The leader is never at fault. Ever.

Trumpsters living in this tribal manner can't easily go against the tribe. The tribe is Trump. They listen to Trump media (FOX & the gang), they talk Trump with their friends. They shoot up Hillary and Obama targets. From the Republican congressmen & women on down, to question the beliefs of the Trump tribe means ostracization and banishment. 

But the emperor isn't wearing any clothes. 

It's obvious. He's walking around naked.

The Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome. 

You know the truth, but you can't admit it.

Except the one place you can: Voting!

Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome (E.N.C.S) perfectly explains how Trump lost the election. Every tribal Trumpster said that they voted for Trump, but how many of these said Trumpsters privately voted that the Emperor was naked?

With E.N.C.S., it's possible that many many Trumpsters voted against Trump, and then went, 'Yeah, yeah. I voted for Trump. Screw those socialist libtard snowflakes.'

And no one in the tribe would be any wiser.

E.N.C.S. could explain - to the Trump Tribe, anyway - the unexplained discrepancy in votes against their tribal leader.

To quote Walt Kelly's, Pogo, 'We have met the enemy, and he is us.'

I strongly believe in this scenario. I strongly believe in the Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome. I suspect even some Trumpsters do. Could this tribe of Trump possibly be looking at each other and wondering, 'Could this Trumpster sitting next to me have E.N.C.S.? Is he or she really the reason why we lost the election? Did they really just think for themselves?

Sunday, December 05, 2021

The Real White Privilege

 Right wing candidates that run on being pro- Trump are really saying that eventhough their candidate lost the election and allegedly headed an attempted violent overthrown of the United States of America's government , that they are okay with that and are for insurrection & if necessary, a civil war to get their way.

They hate our country and that is why they want to be part of it's government.

Or is it that they love or country, but they want to destroy its government by running to be part of it?

They say they are mad as hell and aren't gonna take it anymore. Mad at what? Losing a fair election? Having to wear a mask? A  Doctor Seuss book no longer being published? Taking precautions during a pandemic that has killed 3/4 of a million Americans? Teaching history?

This is for sure, while they believe that wearing a mask is government overreach, controlling a woman's reproductive rights is a governmental right.

They see themselves as the privileged few  that only their God-King Trump can protect. That all others that disagree with their way, are not true Americans, but those that are trying to destroy their American way of life.

Facts don't seem to matter to these goons. In fact, facts only get in their way. 

Monday, August 09, 2021

Tucker Carlson On Tucker Carlson

 Tucker Carlson, the FOX News commentator - and I'm being nice to call him that - has learned a neat new trick.

He gives his opinion, not in the form of a fact, but in pure Jeopardy style, in the form of a question. 

"What is  Kilimanjaro?"

"Sorry," would state a Katie Couric or perhaps a LeVar Burton, "But, no."

And that is the way the question is supposed to work. It doesn't have to be fact. The Jeopardy answer is more of a rhetorical question than anything else. 

The question is the answer. 

In fact, fact can just get in the way of the rhetoric. 

See? A very neat trick...

… but still, just a trick.

Tucker doesn't care. Without an  Alex Trebek to say, "Sorry, that's wrong," the question carries its own weight; its own gravitas, because... it really is the answer. 

For instance, when Tucker asks the question about voter fraud, Tucker doesn't really care if there is voter fraud, because the question is rhetorical. His claiming that there is is only meant to be his $500.00 question. 

I very neat trick … but still a trick.

So, I have to ask you, Mr. Carlson, a Jeopardy question myself. 

FOX commentators do you say...have a …history of sexual deviancy. The network is full of your former colleagues that either have been fired, dismissed, demoted or simply not having their contracts renewed for this very reason. 

Inappropriate touching, naughty suggestions, exposing themselves, demanding sexual favors. 

Mr. Carlson, the list goes on and on and on.

Therefore, it seems - at FOX News - that sexual deviancy is not just part of what it takes to raise to the top at FOX News. Sexual deviancy is part of the FOX News culture - and one could even claim that it is even woven into the very fabric of the Fox organization itself. 

And you, Tucker, are the current king of the hill. Now, I wouldn't normally accuse someone with just circumstantial evidence, but considering your power and your base, someone has to ask the question.

How did Tucker Carlson get to the top? Because it is more than possible - because of this troubling culture at FOX News. It demands to be said that it is extremely probable that you, Mr. Carlson, are the cream of the crop. 

Knowing your drive and ambition, is it possible that you could have even taken things a step further than your former colleagues? 

Sir, are you a sexual predator? Are children safe to be around you?

I know this may seem far out. I myself, would have a hard time believing it. Mr. Carlson seems quite upstanding...but... but look where he is. Just how did he get there?

Nary a commentator at FOX seemingly has risen to the top without being some sort of sexual deviant.

Now, here's my Jeopardy question: Should Tucker Carlson be investigated for child molestation? 

Some people are going to hate me for asking this question. But that's because they are afraid of finding out that I may just maybe on to something. 

They should be afraid. If I were them: I would be afraid. 

Do you want someone - arguably a molester of our children - to not just be running amuck, but corrupting the minds of our good and holy, honest Americans? The good people? 

I would certainly hope not. 

If there is nothing there, Tucker Carlson has nothing to fear. So why is he acting afraid? Just what is he afraid of?

It is time to act and if they don't, I will stay on top of this. I won't let this corruption pass. 

Resign Tucker. Your evil ways are about to be exposed. 

And that is a neat trick - but still a trick. 

Have a good evening, America. 

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Playing The Music That I Want To Hear

I was going to post a playlist via Spotify for all of you to enjoy while you were reading, knitting, or any other quarantine sanctioned endeavor.

I  came across a sharing issue that stopped me from doing so.

Censorship is a big issue. When it comes to art, I am not a big censorship sort of guy.

This brings me to the song, 'This Land,' by Gary Clark Jr.

It's a great song. 

The album is also titled, 'This Land'. Its version uses the 'N' word. It can be argued that the use of the word makes the song more forceful. More poignant. The song is about racism after all.

For my cd version of this playlist, I found the CBS Late Show version. It was what some people would claimed to be cleaned up for broadcast.

This version did change the song somewhat. 

I am not necessarily into censoring other people,  but I have no problem self censoring when I feel the need.

 I suppose, of copyright issues, Spotify wouldn't let me play the version of 'This Land', that I wanted to hear. I play the version that I don't want to play? I love the song. But I don't want to play a version that I feel uncomfortable playing.

On my cd mixes, I sometimes shorten a song, lengthen one, add something or otherwise edit. I can't do that with Spotify (can I? )

I used to love handing out what I called my K-Tunes( I am on K-Tune 214!), first on 8-tracks, then cassettes, and cd's.

No more. I can't find a single way to share the music that I want to hear.

Not the way I want to share them.

I don't even know if I should be sharing. I don't want to take money out of artists, nor, record companies' pockets.

But, Spotify is a sharing platform, right?

Turing friends and family on to good music can only be a good thing? Right?

For now, I won't be sharing playlists on line.

I suggest finding some of your friends playlists. One nice diversion during or solidarity confinements.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Need For Strong Federal Leadership During The Coronavirus Crisis

Ohio governor Mike Dewine has been a shining example of bold leadership during the coronavirus crisis. This post is not about him.

This post is about Florida governor, Ron Desantis. His laissez-faire attitude was at first very puzzling to me until he stated, "When I talked to the president. "

Ah, there it was.

I love how the gov'nor tried to blame the city of New York for the influx of new cases of the virus into his state.

...says the man that singlehandedly allowed thousands upon thousands of spring breaker to party hardy on his Florida beaches for weeks before sending them merrily home potentially carrying their newly acquired Corona back with them...

According to Governor Desantis there are 190 flights from New York City to Florida every day. Each one with at least one coronavirus carrier on it.

What he conveniently left out is that the carrier is just as likely to be someone from Florida coming back home. I say this because there are twenty some large airports in Florida. That wasn't mentioned. People coming home.

And, since he did not say commercial flights. Some flights could be Fed-Ex, UPS, military.

Why mis-lead when you can lead?

Governor Desantis also pushed the idea that Shelter in Place is asinine. Granted, it is the Sunshine State and perhaps he feels that two thirds of the counties having the virus isn't enough to justify Shelter in Place.

But Ohio has initiated Shelter in Place with only a little of over half (46 of 88) counties with coronavirus cases.

Just saying.

While I personally believe Ohio has won the battle of the 'De' governors, others might believe just the opposite.

This is the exact reason that Federal leadership is so important. Some states are vigorously fighting the war on the virus, while other states seem like they are being forced to take any action at all.

The line is drawn on president Trump.

As he has repeatedly stated, he - while stating no facts (the statement that he is a smart man seems to be contrary to his other statements on the virus outbreak) - pushes his agenda that the coronavirus is clearly closer to media hoax than real.

Every pro- this is serious- comment that comes out of mouth seems like he is being prodded by his mom to speak.

Now, it seems, come hell or high water, Trump is pushing for the start of return to work starting April 7th.

Is this the strong Federal leadership that we need, or the beginning of the Walking Dead?

How Trump will be remembered will be based on the answer to that very question very soon

But like any good con man, Trump instead of leading us through this coronavirus crisis is hedging his bet. He is betting that everything is going to ok.

Eventhough I believe even if everything turns out alright it will be inspite of Trump's leadership.

I also believe he'll take credit for it.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Another Episode Of Paranoid Theater

The Republican said: This virus thing is just a ruse to try to take down Trump.

The Democrat said: How so?

R:Everyone thinks America is just getting the virus. Suppose that bad flu we had between Thanksgiving and Christmas where everyone got remember, schools were closed...what if America got it first? That's why most people will get a mild case. They got immunity. So the only people we have to worry about are the people that didn't get it the first time with compromised immune systems.

D: Er...what?

R: Come on. Do you know anyone that is actually sick? See. It's all to try and take out Trump.

D: That's ridiculous.

R: Oh, yeah? If Trump already knew that the worse was already over, why would he prepare test kits? Why wouldn't he say that it's overblown? And then, bam, he gets blamed for being unprepared.

D: The flaw in your plan is, yes, Trump would look bad at first, but as more people test positive, even with everyone and everything in quarantine, and very few people die, Trump could be considered a national hero for saving lives. In fact, this way, as has already been suggested, this quarantine could last until or past August.
Now, think of this. Just who benefits from the nation not being able gather together in August?

R: Don't tell me?

D: Trump. If you can't have a national convention how can you nominate a presidential candidate? If you can't nominate a candidate, how can you have an election? Can't you just see Trump delaying the election claiming a need for a fair election? Poof! Trump instantly stays president forever.

R: Finally, something we can agree on.

D: What?

R: A man that singlehandedly stops a pandemic is right to delay the election if it can't be run fairly and safely. What else is he supposed to do? What is more important, your Constitutional rights or the people's health and safety?

D: You're kidding right?  "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

R: Of course you would say that. Delaying an election isn't the same thing as taking away our guns. 

D: It's much worse. Way worse. 

R: I don't see it that way. Trump is protecting us from the virus. If we can't protect ourselves how can we live in nothing but fear? If we are constantly afraid, how can we be free? Live free or die!

D: Most all businesses are shut down. How can you live free if you are locked in your house without a paycheck?

R: President Trump, the greatest president ever (the only thing that makes sense right now), is going to take care of us. He is going to cut each and every one of us an emergency survival check.

D: Oh, you mean that socialism redistribute the wealth check?

R: If you don't believe in Mr. Trump, just send your survivor check back.

D: Bernie Sanders doesn't look so bad now, does he?

R: Desperate times calls for desperate measures. I blame Obama. 

D: Bernie! Bernie! Bernie! 

R: I give up. You'll never be on the glorious Trump train.

D: Amen to that, brother. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

#Star Trek Discovery Guesses

Ok, I haven't yet seen pt.II of Discovery's season two finale, but here are a few the Great Andrew Predicts thoughts:

Since Spock is still with the Discovery crew, it will be him in the unexploded Photon torpedo tube stuck in the Enterprise's hull.

If time traveling is possible, why not go back to the past to stop Michael becoming an orphan. This could also help with the Red Angel and/or the Red Angel suit.

If this happens Spock will never have met his sister.

The Discovery short where the ship has been abandoned in the future foretells a Voyager like tale of the crew finally getting home(but not Discovery itself) as a show finale. WoWzer!

Come on, Captain Pike is just too damn good. And earlier interation of the Star Trek Enterprise with Pike as the captain would be a massive hit with the TOS crowd.

As of now, my favorite Star Trek captains- in order- are Pike, Janeway and then Kirk.

There must be a Pike/Spock Enterprise series.

I wonder what I will think after next week?

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Trump Builds A Walmart

I know a good way for Trump to save face. "I will build a beautiful Wal-Mart. And this will be the best ever Walmart ever. And best of all the Mexicans will man it. It's a win-win. So let's build the Walmart."

Thursday, January 24, 2019

The Top Ten Things Said About This Photo

10: MAGA hat? Because WWJD seemed  too Christian-ie.

 9: Is it just me or does this kid look just like Helga ogling Hey Arnold?

 8: I didn't know that the Covington Catholic school had a Slytherin club?

 7: Why wear a MAGA hat? No easier way to prove you are ugly on the inside.

 6: Still not deemed cool enough to score with the girls.

 5: Less soda jerk and more circle jerk.

 4: Careful kid, FOX News accused this native American of having a problem with alcohol: that's Supreme Court credentials!

 3: Why wear a MAGA hat? Your easier to find when you get lost.

 2: Someone is in need of more private time with the Father.

 1: Looks like he's daydreaming about being interviewed by Sean Hannity while wearing a summer dress.

Sunday, January 06, 2019

A Quick Take On The Gun Issue vs. The Wall Issue

President Trump observed the other day that because an illegal immigrant killed an American citizen that there are terrorists at our border, so there is a devastating immediate need to build a border wall.

Yet, the greater terrorist threat to Americans is that of caucasian males with guns. Discussion ended- no need to talk about that now... just a  few loose end yay-hoos... no immediate action or concerns necessary.


Willing to screw the hard working Americans- letting them work on furlough... typical Trump, the art of the deal means deal in bad faith: tuff luck kiddo.

The true sadness of this wall fiasco is the amount of Americans that lets this imagination satan rule in the name of ...what?... making America great again?

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Repubicans Bias Is Showing @ Brett Kavanaugh Hearings #Brett Kavanaugh

Let me get this right.

If I was Brett Kavanaugh( and for the sake of my argument, let us consider him thus) innocent, this is how I would have responded to questioning:
"Senator, this has been the most terrible 10 days of my life, my family's life, and, I'm sure, her life, but I am innocent. 
"Since the very beginnings of my judicial career I have worked hard to achieve my dream of becoming an United States Supreme Court Justice. 
"So, what is four more day, four more weeks, heck, four more months to achieve this dream.
"I demand a FBI investigation. Demand it! As a judge. As a man that aspires to the highest court of the land, justice must be served."

Of course,this is not what we got. We got partisan propaganda gobbledygook: from a judge!

But the worse is yet to come. Now, that there is going to be a FBI investigation, we get (not so) veiled threats from the Republican senators telling 'their' witnesses that if they change their stories that they ( the Republican senators)  will persecute them for purgery! Jail time!

This from an obstructionist party that refused to even discuss nominating a Supreme Court Justice. 

Yeah, this really makes me believe that Brett Kavanaugh is qualified to be an honest, impartially blind to the Constitution, Supreme Court Judge. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Ohio State University : Urban Meyer vs. Jim Jordan

As an Ohio State fan, I have to admit that they have an abysmal record : abysmal - when it comes to integrity.

It seems every other year some kind of scandal covers one OSU program or another.

Yes, some are B.S. and some are overblown. And, yes, with competition within the high-powered schools, and the hype that goes along with such, I acknowledge that rules are being bent until some are broken on almost every college campus.

But, this in itself is not in anyway an excuse for any college getting away with misdeeds, up to including - especially including - The Ohio State University.

Okay, so just when is a coach responsible for the protection of other people from the actions of staff and players under his regime?

Whether you believe that Urban Meyer's punishment is either too lenient or too severe, everyone believes that an assistant coach's day to day job is more 'hands on' to the players he is responsible for than any head coach's.

That is why what Urban knew and did not know about his assistant coach Zech Smith is so important. Loyalty is one thing, but allowing kids - KIDS! - to put their trust and faith in someone whom is unworthy of such trust is appalling.

This is where congressman Jim Jordan comes into play.

As an assistant wrestling coach, Mr. Jordan probably had to had heard the scuttlebutt about how hands on the team doctor, Dr.Richard Strauss could be. Maybe, being part of the team, he had first hand knowledge. 

If, if, if, if, if.

If Urban Meyer knew. If Jim Jordan knew.

Whether you agree with it or not, Urban Meyer has been thoroughly investigated and punished.

Jim Jordan has not.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Snowflakes vs. ...

The right wing may be calling us snowflakes,  but if the right doesn't respond quickly to massive 'proven' corruption that is Trump and his swamp people, then it can be taken as fact that they don't care one iota about America, nor its government.

They won't, of course.

The right will continue to use propaganda and misrepresent because it is in their best interest, not America's.

That makes them- to use Trump's own language - a bunch of pussies. It's time to grab them and throw them out!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Points To Ponder

This is what I was thinking:

Donald Trump's decision to reimpose sanctions on Iraq has nothing to do with its nuclear program. I believe it has everything to do with Iraq's oil production lowering the price of Saudi Arabia oil. Funny how our gas prices keep going up, now.

If you want proof (or at least strong circumstantial evidence) that the Russians interfered in our last presidential election look no further then this little tidbit. It's no secret that Trump won just enough Electoral College votes to take the election. Now, think about this. How could the professional pole takers hit it so far off the mark on their predictions? With computer algorithms and such, do you really, really think that it was even vaguely possible for the whole pole taking community to all be that totally wrong?!?

Speaking of Russia, why aren't Donald Trump Jr. and his cohorts in jail? It has already been proven that they have met with high level commies to get or create dirt on Hillary. To think that Junior met them at a Trump Tower, and the then presidential candidate didn't know of the meeting seems utterly ridiculous. I mean, come on. Hasn't anybody not watched The Apprentice? Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

I believe we Americans as a group have become immune to the tragedies of mass shootings. Recently,  Eric Church told how he appeared in Vegas a week before the literal massacre there. He said that as an entertainer he felt like the bait that brought the victims in. 58 people [58! ] were murdered! Over 850 [!] were wounded! This happened only last October! Yet, until Eric Church, I can't remember the last time I thought or felt anything about this horror. I know that I am not alone on this.

And, lastly, think of this. What is morality? Is it relevant? Does being honest matter any more? Who are you going to be honest with? Google's watching. Facebook is watching. God is watching. Santa Claus is watching. Fox News is watching.

It's all us. It is all on us. If we let fear rule. If we let hatred win, we have no one but ourselves to blame. Root for the underdog. Screw the man. Live free or die.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

President Trump is saying that if you don't stand up for the National Anthem that you shouldn't get paid.

Is he just Putin us on?