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Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 & Why I'm Voting Domocratic

Who does not remember where they were on 9/11/2001?Waking up after the actually event[I worked third shift],I first saw the burning buildings on MSN via the world wide web.I immediately turned on the Tv,and telephoned my Mother.Watching the towers burn,I stated to my Mom just how horrible it was watching them burning.Her reply,"Andy,don't you know that they fell?" came exactly as the images on Tv showed the first tower imploding.
I was in an instant state of shock.
Though no longer Catholic-I am now Presbyterian-for some reason,I felt compelled to go to our town's Catholic church,light a candle,kneel down and say the Rosary.
That night at work..though it was a very slow night...lasted twelve hours...because everyone was just too numbed and,to be honest,befuddled,to go at it very hard.
The following Jeff Stahler cartoon,published soon after what is now simply known as:9/11,summed up what most of us Americans felt.To this day,I consider it not only the best,but definitive 9/11 cartoon.Why it did not win a Pulitzer,is beyond me.


America was at a crossroads...were we going to hate back?

Apparently so.


Flip forward to today...America is now not only filled with hate for our enemies,but hate for those that oppose us.


The Republican party and it's nasty offshoot,The morally ambiguous,Tea Party(filtered through such outlets as Fox News)have created a nasty attitude of hate against all things that they stand against:especially,president Obama.Never mind that president Obama was elected into office.Never mind that actual good things have already happened in his under two years in office[ one war,for all practical purposes -over/major al-Qaeda operatives neutralized/a major banking disaster averted and an aggressive Stimulus package that appears to be working].Attack,attack and attack is the only thing these hate filled naysayers seem to understand.


The Republicans are so good at hating,they even attack their own kind.There is NO compromise within the power/hate mongers of the GOP.Crossing over to vote with the Democrats on anything/for any reason is cause for shouts of,'Off with his head!'.


The message is clear:Hate or be hated.


This is not The American Way.


But it is the way of cooperation giants like the infamous Koch brothers{international corporate sponsors of the Tea party} & of the international media corporate giant,FOX media.


Both are playing on the fears,hate and bigotry of the American people,to force their hand upon The United States of America.


Don't believe this clip from the 'comedy' news show,called 'The Daily Show'.Fox news-an oxymoron if I ever heard one-gets caught,here,doing it's daily practice of taking partial clips-totally out of context-and running them with hate speech sneering announcers,as if the clips were actual verbatim news stories:

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Are You Ready for Some Midterms? - MSNBC's Political Narrative
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party


My question is:Fox News..if your opponent is so evil and back assward..why use Nazi style propaganda?Why mis-lead instead of lead?Why lie?


Because lying is the only way to get your way!


Shame on you Fox News!


The sad thing is that it is working...and working well.


Reading the current edition of ODOT's 'Transcript Newsletter'(Fall 2010) that reported that the Obama Stimulus package is actually working,a quasi-Republican fellow worker told me to,"Shut UP!".


I guess,his mind was made up for him.The truth was irrelevant.The truth no longer had any meaning for him.Only the often quoted lies and mis-leading propaganda gauged his decisions.


Abraham Lincoln once said,"You can fool some of the people all the time,and all of the people some of the time.But you can't fool all the people all of the time."


Ya ain't foolin' me.


Give me liberty or give me death!




PCMcGee said...

What good is it going to do, to vote democratic? Switching political parties is like switching hands when you masturbate. You still aren't getting any pussy, it just feels different enough to satiate you. You get more control of your social prosperity when you shop at the grocery store, than you do by voting in a representative cleptocracy. If you can stop your pursuit of advantage, and care about the world for a while, you will find the whole world caring back.

What If There Is dog? said...

Dear,MC,thank you for your comment.I can not completely ignore your rant,because I find some truth in it.The United States is mostly controlled by the almighty $$$ today.Just caring for people is very important.All you need is love.

But to say that I or any other single person doesn't have a say politically is disasterously wrong.The political/economic powers that be,want us to believe this nonesense.If the American people realized just how much power they had with one man on vote,we would be allot more free.

They want us to beieve that it is hopeless.

It is not.

The bland,cookie cutter,do what you are told Tea Party/Republican has drinken the Kool-Aid of this outright lie.It is evil in it's must follow blindly cultist properties.

The democrats are our last and only hope.They are liberal and brave enough to at least say that they are individuals.

This is where I am staying.Not to one up,but to stand up.For all of our freedoms.America,at least stands a fighting chance