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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Obama Is So Phat Jokes

Now that Barack Obama is the official Democratic candidate it is time to bring out the OBAMA IS SO PHAT JOKES.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That he doesn't need "The Star Wars Anti-missile Defense System" to rock our world.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That he could use a boomerang to get universal health care for the people.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That If you spell his name in Scrabble, you win. Forever.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That he makes George Bush pee his pants.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That he makes both blue and red states turn green.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That mountains come to him.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That banks stop selling sub-prime interest rates and start giving out toasters.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That 'Hope' is more than just a town in Arkansas.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That he can beat the Sun in a staring contest.

OBAMA IS SO PHAT:That victory in Iraq is attainable.

Come on,people.Help me out...there are many more of these:-)


Dharma said...

Are you serious!? You're killing me. I don't even know what "phat" means anyway.

What If There Is dog? said...
The term Phat may refer to:

An adjective mainly used decreasingly in pop culture to express approval. Hence, someone or something that is phat could be entertaining, intelligent, attractive or otherwise to be admired.