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Thursday, April 08, 2010

My Anti-Republican Rant

The Democratic dinner was pretty good last night.The diner part was a really good chicken dinner made by the Amish place.

The main speaker was a guy named David Pepper.He is running for state auditor.

He said that the reason there is gridlock in Ohio is by the way the Ohio Congressional districts were set up..gerrymandered to help the Republican party.Most congressmen don't have to worry about beating their democratic opponent.Their worry is losing in the primary.The way they lose in the primary is by appearing not 'Republican ' enough.

This means if they EVER agreed with the Democrats on any issue..even ones that could help the their district,their state,their country,they would get thrown out of office by some other republican,calling the congressmen a 'liberal',or not republican enough.

It's like eating their own tails.

No wonder there is gridlock.They don't care about doing what is right for the country.They are only interested in staying in office.

And who says what is Republican and what isn't?Media talking heads.Rush,Hannity,celebrity puppets themselves told what to say by their giant corporation masters.

No one thinks for themselves,because thinking for yourself gets you booted from their party.

That's the worse sin;the Republicans biggest crime;'independant thought' is frowned upon.

As a Republican,do you really believe that dinosaurs roamed the Earth 6,000 years ago with man?Do you really believe that Thomas Jefferson should be booted from our history books because he thought up the phrase,'Seperation Of Church And State'?Do you really want a 'church' run state?Wasn't freedom of religion one of the reasons America was formed?Do you really want to start a civil war over getting your child insured with a pre-existing condition?

I can see why the Republican politicians conform to this madness...they would rather see our country fall at the hands of international corporation's meddling than lose their seats.

But why aren't the Republican masses standing up?!?Why aren't they calling this bullshit?!?Can't the republicans see that they are already,not just making themselves more and more irrelevant,the are already losing their party.

The Tea Baggers are going to become the next big political party.The republicans are already fading away. And just what is the Tea Bag Party?Media led conservatives that believe in civil war(!!!),that our president is a foreign breed Muslim Nazi anti-Christ!

How American is that?!?How insane is this?!?

We are being led to our dooms by powers too crazed with wealth and power to care how much destruction they cause.

In John Steinbeck's great American novel,'The Grapes Of Wrath',he called giant corporations DEMONS.

I believe he is very close to the truth. Demon's that will even lead the chosen ones(if possible)to their mass destruction.

I believe this as sure as the name Ronald Wilson Reagan counts out to 666.

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