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Saturday, November 06, 2010

My Tea Party

As a Democrat,I have to begrudgingly give kudos to the Republican/right leaning Tea Party for their political gains this past election season.The masses have spoken;they want what they want and they want it now.

Do I agree with everything the Tea Party is standing up for?No,Of course not.Do I believe that their post election rhetorical arrogance about how they are now the voice of the nation to be totally true?Pah-please..

But,still,Kudos Tea Party.You are American Citizens taking part in the system,to adjust the system in the way you feel best.I wish more and more Americans had your passion.You,Mr.,Mrs.& Ms.Tea Party person affected change through the legit American channels.I bow to you.Kudos.Job well done.

Because{again as a Democrat},I felt flustered by your agenda,I steamed and boiled in my head on just what it was,you,as The Tea Party stood for.So,I went to your web sight [ ].

Let me tell ya,the web sight is not easy to access unless you sign in.In order to sign in,you have to become a member.So,to feign interest I have to join?I guess that is one way of boosting numbers,but thank you,please.

Yes,I couldn't even read member's posts without joining...what kind of crap is that?How am I supposed to know if I am Tea Party enough to join if I am denied access to the rants and raves of the web sight's members?

What are ya hiding Tea Party?!?And why are you hiding it?Huh?

I,un~handy Andy that I am-did eventually find their mission statement .

It's not the Constitution, but then again,what is?

The 'Free Market' section was-ahem-not exactly my cup of Tea.I'm a government guy.I believe in my United State of America's government.The Constitution is pretty much a tangible thing.I get it.Free trade...I'm still trying to wrap my finger around that.

Less government and free trade can not always go hand in hand.Take the original Boston Tea Party for example.Sure,the Americans involved were protesting taxation without representation,BUT,they were also protesting free trade.The East India Trading Company was pretty much the Wal-Mart of the day.Less we forget,the Boston Tea party protest was almost as much about them as it was about the British gov't having it's way with us.Rightfully so.Wars,governmental takeovers,slavery etc were all either enforced,controlled,manipulated and or inspired by this out of control big business.

One of the reasons,I believe,The United States of America was formed was to get away from this kind of least the lesson of The Boston Tea Party seems to show this to me.Let me reiterate:In my opinion,America was directly founded on the fact that it opposed [NOT EMBRACED] the big business practice of free trade.

Government should control the actions of businesses on it's citizens:NOT VICE VERSA!

It's not that I am anti-business.Hell no.

In,fact,the opposite is true.

I hold the common belief of many many people around the world that America is the land of opportunity;the land of milk and honey;that our streets are paved with gold...need I go on?

So many people believe this self evident truth that many Americans are of the opinion thatour  great country is being over run by immigrants...both legal and their attempt to harvest this dream.

You can get rich here...or so the story goes.

And the kicker:IT'S TRUE!!!

The American Dream is one of the classic truths in this world of ambivalence and misconceptions.

So,just how is it,that with millions of people streaming into our borders to make a better life for themselves that the people whom have 'made' it here are complaining that they pay too much in taxes?!?

Hell,even if it were true...were else could you make it like you make it here in the good ol' U.S.of A.?
{And,you can argue that it's not.Some facts state that the rich pay 50% less then they did in the 1950's!}

I neither have the time or inclination to get into the modern versions of the evils of governmental deregulation and the wrong belief of less government is always better.

But if you,The Tea Party,believe that free trade and less government is the answer to what ails America...well...I'll just have to congratulate you on participating and leave it at that.

Kudos,Tea Party,Kudos.

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