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Monday, August 01, 2011

An Open Letter To The Tea Party

The Tea Party purports to speak for the average United States citizen.

I don't believe them.

They usually profess in every preamble that ,'The American people want this," or that,"The American people need that."

I don't believe them.

Don't presume to tell me you know what I want.You can say,'most of ', or ,'we believe that' the American people think this way or that.But how dare you imply that that we of the people, by the people, for the people all believe in every single idea that comes out of your mouth.

We don't.

Most of us love our government.We are the government.We love one man,one vote.We love having duly elected officials.We love the benefits of living in a republic.

Don't tell us that we would rather have our government default than raise the debt ceiling.You act like a balanced budget is impossible to achieve through the proper governmental channels. It isn't .The Clinton administration achieved this-to you-seemingly impossible goal beginning in 1994!It balanced the budget!


By {gasp} tax increases to the rich.

Thus,when George W.Bush gave his tax subsidies(not,cuts) to the rich,he was -in fact-helping to create the deficit hole which you,the Tea Party,find so impossible for us to get out of.

Even if George W. Bush's intentions with the tax subsidies were honorable,the proof is in the pudding.They didn't work.If they did,would we be here where we are now?Would you,the Tea Party,be fighting so hard to maintain the cuts:AT THE COST OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RENEGING ON IT'S DEBTS?!?

You see,if you claim to speak for the people,why are you so for renewing a tax subsidy that started this unchecked deficit in the first place?Why are you against getting us out of this hole at the expense of only 2% of the population,and only at the cost of this subsidy's removal?

In fact,Mr. & Mrs.Tea Partier,why are you,instead,willing to recover this debt on the back of 98 % of the people you are presumably speaking up for?Why are you saying that you speak for us when you shout out that unions are costing America jobs?!?Aren't CEO's  making 350 times on average what the average Joe makes?!?Why are you not shouting for them to lower 'their' wages and  hire back hundreds of employees?!?

Why do you that supposedly speak for me,support international businesses interests when they are the ones that have sent our good jobs overseas?Enjoy international tax loopholes,hire lobbyists that try hand over foot to corrupt our congress?

Are you insane?

Are you corrupt?

Are you racist?

How can you purport to speak for the American people when your thinking is so terribly askew?

If you think the government is so devoid of righteousness,why are you clamoring so hard to get in bed with all that's wrong with it?You claim to love God and country,but your rants on how our elected officials can not balance the budget proves-despite that we have done it before-that you believe in neither.

Yes,I do believe you are the new Tea Party.But it is US that you are throwing aboard.

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