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Saturday, September 17, 2011

You May Be A Redneck...Tea Party Version..Pt.II

You maybe a Tea Party Redneck if...

...your idea of political action is Googling 'Michele Bachmann- corndog' think the bumpersticker,'Don't Blame Me/I Voted For The White Guy' is funny,but not racist.

...your car is up on blocks and still think the working man has it too cozy. like Rick Perry because you like his idea of strengthening state rights by changing federal laws. believe the best way to save America is by destroying it. say that corporations shouldn't have to pay taxes,but then say that those that don't pay taxes shouldn't have access to health care,police and fire protection. think the Civil War was fought over state rights.

...believe that Jesus would wear a rebel flag ballcap. think that it's okay for the Patriot Act to take away your Constitutional freedoms,but then you say you have the right to bear arms because you're a Constitution sort of guy. hate our government but call yourself a proud American.

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