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Monday, September 23, 2013

Hurray! Unicorns!

The 'right 'propaganda machine loves a good lie.Though reported in no media outlets except a nasty wingnut satire websight( so nasty,that my McAfee antivirus warned me from trying to access it:CLICK ON IT at your own discretion),they are still reposting their bigoted false article that Obama has suffered a mental breakdown.

When told that a website known for(and makes it's money) for publishing the truth,,has rebuffed this anti~Obama story by simply printing the websites own disclaimer,these right wing nutjobs don't let the truth get in there way one iota.They simply claim that,"Never can tell if snopes is true either but several sights are saying it's fake."

It's nice to know that the truth("What is the truth?"-You can't handle the truth" ) doesn't stand  in these right wingers way.They are soo hateful and bigoted against President Obama that they are willing to swallow anything,no matter how big of a

These people's hatred is why they are so willingly gullible.When told that dragons are real because some maroon told them they have to because they are in the Bible...they believe even that!

Which is a good thing.Because now we know unicorns were real!Hurray!

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