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Saturday, February 01, 2014

The NFL's Thoughts On Gun Control

What exactly can the National Football League teach us about gun control?
That depends.

"Guns don't kill people.People kill people."

Damn good slogan.

Hard to argue.

At least not without appearing to be a totally liberal anti~Constitution pinko fag asshole.


So,technically,anyway,the saying is wrong,too.

Unless you are hitting the person over the head with it,the gun does not kill anyone.

It is the bullet~or the shot~that does the killing.


And yes,it is a Constitutional's not like they could ever repeal one of those (cough-cough -18th Amendment -cough-cough ).

But just for the shits and giggles...lets agree to agree that while it is people that kill do we stop them from doing that,exactly?

That's where the good ol' NFL comes into play.


Yeah,yeah,I know.But just listen.

Sure,the NFL is only taking action because of the many lawsuits being brought against it.

But,hey,you don't get to be a very profitable non~profit organization by not being proactive.

Here's where we learn.

The main cause of football based concussions is helmet to helmet hits.

Pardon the pun...a no brainer.

Now,here's were we learn.

No one is talking-seriously-about taking away the helmets.

They are only talking about stopping,or at least-lessening concussions !

That could include in the long term,'safer' helmets.

But,now,the NFL 'is' taking other actions.

Outlawing head to head contact.

Educating on other ways to tackle.
Getting the news out there.

Taking the crap from fans,player,and media talking heads about the NFL becoming soft.

Put skirts on them,for crying out loud!

The point is is that the game is still more popular than ever.

Helmets are cooler than ever.

And concussions...well..that's being worked on.

Learn anything?
( Course not)

It's not the helmets/guns that we are trying to eliminate.

It's the concussions/deaths.

Quit buying into the NRA marketing scheme (Does the NRA know how to sell guns or what?!?).

And let us try to figure out a way from us killing ourselves with the fastest bestest weapons possible.

NFL,is there anything you can't do?

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