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Thursday, May 15, 2014

My Response To A Dim Witted FaceBook Post.

A lot of this is self serving and not very truthful.Most people use hating Obama as an excuse to shout bigoted statements(if this does not apply to you,than no one is calling you a bigot).

No one is calling anyone a terrorist for supporting the 2nd Amendment.Stupid,maybe,for not wanting to get rid of gun violence by not allowing the insane and the criminal minded from using guns.

Tea Baggers support big business' interests over the peoples' interests..again,not anti~Constitution...just stupid.

A birther is stupid..controlled by FOX News(I have not met a single Birther that does not watch the right wing FOX News).

Not a traitor.Unlike the Republican party,most democrats and liberals don't ostracize and condemn fellow members for thinking outside the party's box.How can you have ,'My Country right or wrong' and ,My country,love it or leave it' ,without ignoring corruption?We 'liberals' love our country enough to question the wrongs so that we can right them and make America a better country.Just mimicking blind accolades and ignoring a wrong,is wrong.Slavery,women voting,civil rights,and The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act(Obama Care) all came about to make America better.As long as you are battling real battles instead of goon run control damage,love of the United States government demands questioning.That the Republicans don't tolerate questions from within somewhat condemns them.

I call you a conspiracy theorist for believing hogwash  because it fits into your box of bigotry and fears,and you are,therefore,willing to ignore the truth and swallow-again-what FOX tells you to think blindly.

You are a anti-American if you are a T-party member.They want to overthrow the United States government.(all the while,trying like hell to get in it).

Saying that you support our troops while supporting congressmen whom withhold benefits to the troops unless there are riders for sanctions against Iran,means you don't really support our troops.Why was it OK to support a war for no reason in Iraq,but not one that Obama is finishing up that Bush started in Afghanistan?

CEO's make-on average- over 400 times their average employee's wages,yet they complain about American workers getting paid too much~!The CEO's and their ilk could collect only 200 times the workers wages and hire 200(!!!) workers at NO COST to the company!Oh,yes,greed at other's expense-no matter what you call it,is wrong,and anti~Christian as well.

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