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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Illegal Corporate Immigration

There has been very much ballyhoo recently over how illegal immigrants are taking over America,and how they all should be just sent home!No matter their plight;no matter their flight,no matter their reason to flee.Forget ,'Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.'The American people not longer wish to extend an olive branch to our neighbors in need.

The 10th Commandment: "Shall Not Covet!"Pretty much sums up how we feel towards people trying to get in or stay in our great land.Moochers that are taking away our jobs,natural resources and making us push 'one' to hear English.

'Veterans before illegal immigrants!' Is my favorite of these sayings.It's the old bait and switch.The Right Wing time after time refuses to pass any bill to help the American vets....but just passed a bill guaranteed to help the illegal immigrant that resides but does not have ANY American status. 

While some may say that we,the American people,are far too stupid to understand what our politicians are doing,I say that instead of being LED by our leaders,we are continuously being misled by them.

And the very people leading this charge of propaganda and deception are the very people we shout to get rid of...the illegal immigrant.

I am not talking the common illegal,the one who has been here as a small child and is now the valedictorian of her high school. I am not talking your gardener,the below minimum wage earners...I am talking the trouble makers.I am talking the ones we lose our jobs to.I am talking about the ones that lie about being here.I am talking about the ones that steal from America.That don't pay their taxes!

I'm talking about the illegal corporation immigrant!

Yeah,I'm talking about you,you un~American corporations!

According to the United States Of America Supreme Court,corporations are now considered people.

And it has become the very popular thing for un~American corporations to invert give up their America citizenship to become foreigners!

Oh,it's nothing new.Giant un~American corporations with mailboxes in the Cayman Islands,calling themselves foreign corporations as a big tax dodge.Our schools,roads,and bridges don't need their money.

But,let us not be misled: They ARE foreign corporations taking and stealing American tax dollars!Sure,they work here.BUT THEY ARE NOT PAYING THEIR TAXES!!! They are taking JOBS and REVENUE away from us Americans! 

Our politicians say that they want to build a wall,but they just keep LETTING THEM IN!

And,now,our congress has just signed legislation to ease the standards in which these illegals can continue to sieve through the American pocketbook.Congress even threatened to shut down the government to do it.


Of course,none of this could be possible without the right wing of the right wing making this possible.

No,not you T~Party.

I am talking the group's mainstream media spokes~head: FOX Entertainment.Talk about your misleading,'This is some good misleading...hee..heee.'

The illegal corporate immigrant is so loved among his right wing brothers  that they even ran a member of one for president in 2012: Mitt Romney.Give kudos to Mitt for lovingly giving - probably more than demanded of him- to his church.On the other hand,this man running for leader of the greatest nation on Earth was running an illegal corporate immigrant scam - avoiding paying his fare-share of love this-a-away,and keeping it for himself on a sunny beach somewhere in the Bahamas.

Just doesn't seem right ta me.

"We cut 'em in half and give 'em a band~aid."

That's the right wing way.

Let giant foreign corporations machine gun down our pursuit of life,liberty and happiness and blame the little guy invited here to find comfort.

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