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Saturday, August 22, 2015

'Merica 2015

Welcome to America 2015 where everyone is easily offended. Or so goes the current mood on Facebook and the rest of the American culture.

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad; for the tree is known by its fruit.Or,so says Jesus.

These are a few things that I have recently read coming from my follow Americans~said in earnest~ on the social media.

" We should take the Muslims in our country and put them in concentration camps just like we did the Japanese during WWII. "

" We should 'unAmerican' United States citizens and send them back to where they belong.Even if we have to change the Constitution in order to do so. "

" We need the next president to be an American."

" Chief Wahoo is a Cleveland tradition,and how dare American Indians be offended by our traditions. "

...and so it goes.

Yet,these same set of people that believe that people are too easily offended by 'Mericans simply voicing their devote opinions,are the very same ones that are easiest offended by opinions other than their own.

Don't like the Rebel flag? Screw you! How dare you say anything negative about a symbol of my family heritage!

Take away my guns? Why it's my Constitutional right to carry them!

Screw you,you liberal loving softy.We need to build a giant wall to keep these job stealing Mexicans out.

See how easily 'offended' these seemingly un~P.C. ers are?

Sure,it's okay for them to offend...but don't you dare offend them!

This is a classic case of dishing it out but can't take it.

Or,as it is now~a~days known: FOX News watchers.

The lower standards of the 4th estate created by FOX is being felt throughout the American media.

For instance,on the show 'Current Affair' proof was replaced by simple implication of fact when the show reported," One person even  posted on Twitter..."

There was no confirmation of source,because there was no source.The viewer simply had to take the shows word on what was reported because it was reported.

...and people are gobbling this shit up.

In a recent~ish political snafu,,Jon Kyl,was caught in a lie when he stated on the floor that Planned parenthood gave 90% of it's funding to abortions.[ The truth is 3% ].When confronted with the the facts,he simply stated," [That his speech ] was not intended to be a factual statement."

Carl Rove famously said that he did not have to convince people of his argument;he only had to plant doubt into their own.

Propaganda,ladies and gentlemen.

Or,as it is known in certain circles: FOX News.

To put it this way.Who are these anti~P.C.ers that are so easily offended by others talking anti~P.C. against them?

FOX viewers and listeners,that's who.

Putting Americans into concentration camps?Deporting Americans? Against,'  Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! ' Build a giant wall,instead to keep them out?

You only hear this contemptible language and thought being broadcast and~ventriloquist  quoted~via FOX News and it's watchers and listeners.

This anti~Christian/anti~American propaganda is being repeated so constantly that now a vast majority of 'Mericans [ notice that they can't even call themselves Americans any more ] believe this hateful shit.

Concentration camps.Arresting a certain segment of their fellow citizens.

What's next?Blond hair and blue eyes?Gas chambers?

Jon Stewart said to be vigilant,and to call out bullshit.

I'm calling out ,'BULLSHIT!". 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

We're In Deep Blackwater,Now.

This […/heavily-armed-oath-keepers-patrol-fe… ] is an interesting article in the fact that these Oath Keepers claim ambiguous reasons for being in Ferguson, Missouri. One can not but think back to the secret presence of the military mercenaries,Blackwater,being in New Orleans during the Aftermath of hurricane Katrina~ claiming like American Sniper,Chris Kyle,to have used sniper rifles to kill looters.
I am not claiming that Chris Kyle was a part of the Blackwater militia (though the coincidences of he himself bragging about the very things that the arguably illegal mercenaries were supposed to be doing speaks for itself ), I am questioning just who are the Oath Takers and just who really has sent them to Ferguson?
Does the Academi ( Blackwater ) , or like brand really need to be in Ferguson? And just who has sent them? Talk about taking away American freedoms.America already has enough armed thugs without corporate highly trained ones taking over the streets.

Sunday, August 09, 2015

The Republican Party:The Party of Governmental Intrusion


 This Daily Show bit shows the absurdity of Alabama's bill HB494 that Mike Hucklebee hinted at in the last presidential debate.Let me see if I got this straight.I and my family are Alabama residents. A serial rapist gets released from jail and immediately grabs my 13 year old daughter and forcibly rapes her multiple times and beats her within inches of her life,leaving her for dead.Hospitalized from wounds which my daughter will never fully recover,she finally gets home only to find out that she is pregnant.

This law,would then-without anyone in my family's consent-assign the fetus full legal representation who will make appeal after appeal until my daughter gives birth.

Is this correct?

I believe it is.

DON'T ever tell be that the Republican party is the party for less government and less government intrusion on it's citizens! That is a downright lie.

I don't care how you feel about abortion,this is government intrusion of Grand Inquisition standards.

The Republican party:the party of less government!?!

I call BULLSHIT !!!