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Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Little Bit Of This..A Little Bit Of That

Hello fight fans.After a busy week I am a little brain dead so I am going to just give you some random thoughts on things in the news...First off,Disney is getting back into the 'hand drawn animated' cartoon movie business.The first movie sounds like a swell feature length film for their new 'Princess' doll line.The movie is going to be called,'The Frog Princess',and is going to be set in New Orleans.The animated commercial is going to feature Disney's first 'BLACK PRINCESS'To read about it [click here] .

By the way...shouldn't it be'Afro-American Princess'?

To continue in the cartoon vein,good ol' Captain America is dead....[click here]...Killed by a sniper.Cap was always one of my favorite superheros.(Yes,I am a comic book nerd-I have a very old collection molding in the basement).Once,during the Watergate era,Steve Rogers gave up being Cap because he became disillusioned with all the Washington corruption.He became 'Nomad',instead.He returned to Captain America when he finally realized that America isn't it's failed politicians,but America is it's can never fail high ideals.He would fight as Captain America to up hold those beautiful ideals.God be with you cap.Perhaps,in good comic book tradition,you will be back.

Keeping with men in tights...have you seen Ohio State basketball's new digs?Pretty wild if I do say so myself.Of course this, too,is another marketing ploy.Aren't you feeling the urge to just go out and buy yourself a new jersey?I don't think they would look quite the same on me-instead of a six pack,I have love handles(oooww..just the image of it is creeping me out!)

Oh,well,we all can't be half naked he-men.

Speaking of half naked he men,I took Tyler and Nik to see '300' last night.The movie is based on a Frank Miller('Sin City'-'The dark Knight Returns')graphic novel.It was all it was supposed to be:nudity,gratuitous violence,good story,great images,tons of splattering blood.Urrrrgh!We all three loved it.The movie was crazy good.

And finally,speaking of crazy,Britney is sort of still in rehab.Depending on what rag you read,the reason she is acting crazy is because she is either secretly gay and doesn't want to admit it,or is suffering from postpartum depression.

Personally,I think it is a case of her finally getting to think for herself without any handlers.

I believe it is possible she isn't making what we consider good choices because until recently she never had to make any choices in her life.

Of course she may just be wacko.I know I would be if this modern day press/media machine was following me around all the time.

It's been real fight fans.Keep the peace:out./\

1 comment:

Dharma said...

Well, lets see if I can keep up....

1. Have heard and see all the new Disney stuff. Looks pretty and I am sure the doll will sell like hotcakes. Although I am afraid that Disney has lots its appeal for me. I do love SHREK and movies along that vein, but the real kiddie/princess movies are a thing of my past. I must savor the more edgy/adult type "cartoons" of SHREK and Ice Age.

2. I sent flowers for Capt. America.

3. Buckeyes... hey, if you got the shape go for it!! I must admit that I was happy when b-ball went to the longer shorts!! The days of Larry Bird in the hot pants...yuck!!

4. 300, I had thought about seeing it, but the Spartans do not interest me. Loved Sin City due to the story line, but something that ancient does not do it for me. Maybe a rental.

5. Britney more than likely also has a serious drug and probably alcohol problem. Aside from possible postpartum she has been out of control for sometime. they say that she has changed phone num,bers to keep her mother from trying to get involved and even her first hubby said that they did Ecstasy and other drugs etc. that fateful night that they got married in Vegas. It is a sad story of a kid start that got too big too fast and had that they wanted with not a soul to tell them no or to give real advice. Just those hanger-oners that tell you yes to everything and allow you to doi whatever you like. They are afraid to lose their meal ticket!!