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Sunday, September 02, 2007

The Comics

This week's comic of the week is a tie.First,as the Funky Winkerbean 'Death Of Lisa' story intensifies,so does the strip.After a so-so week{with Les talking to his cat},this Saturday strip just blew me out of the water.I hardly ever get this emotionally attached-to anything.Great comic.
There are a ton of 'new' comic strips out there that I read daily...they are that good.'Moderately Confused';'Candorville';'Clear Blue Water';'Pibgorn';'Girls & Sports';'Frog Applause' and this favorite called 'Retail'.I just love this comic.It has great art work(love it),is always funny,and is so current.It knows it's retail.It takes place in a fictional retail store called,'Grumbel's'(think Wal-Mart in a mall).This August 31st funny made me LoL!

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