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Friday, October 24, 2008

Acorn E story

According to sources close to the Republican Party the recent gaffs made by the McCain/Palin ticket are just the final set up in the Republican Party's platform plan to steal the election.

"Honestly,"said the source,"We don't care if we win or lose.This election will be won in the Supreme Court-which by the way has a Republican bias."

Asked to further expand on this subject our source commented,"It all comes down to,'Acorn'.We will contest any Democratic victory as being unfair and corrupt.Let's face it:if we take it to the court,the Supreme Court is on our side.'Acorn' is just the needed means to an end."

'Acorn',and acronym for,'The Association Of Community Organizations For Reform Now' has been heavily campaigning to register new voters.The Republicans see this effort as a mostly Democratic move{because most new voters tend to be young voters,whom tend to be Democratic voters},so they are voicing concerns of fraud in 'Acorn's registration campaign.

"Honestly,it doesn't even need to be close.We won't roll over like Gore or Kerry.In the very least,we hope to extend Bush's presidency until there can be a new election or two.But what we ultimately hope for is a total and complete McCain victory."

The Hippcratic Party will continue to follow this story.

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