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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Are Republicans Bullies?

One of the most important topics in The United States right now is the subject of bullying.It seems you can't turn to a newspaper,magazine,Tv or radio talk show without there being an awful clamour about the woes of bullying. Every one is concerned on just what can be done to stop this purge on American society.

Bullying is terrible.No one deserves to be bullied.

How do you stop it?Find the biggest bully on the block and punch him in the nose?No.

You look for the biggest bully around and you expose him.Topple the biggest bully and-perhaps-bullying will become less and less tolerated.Maybe,if we can limit the power of bullying,it's power will have much less of a punch.

Cut the head off and the fish dies.

I decided to look for the biggest bully.But what is bullying?Without knowing this exact type,how would I know whom to exactly go after?

I Googled,"Signs of Bullying", and checked the first two searches[ ; ;].

I think I found what I needed.

Here are some signs that you are a bully:
  • Get into physical or verbal fights
  • Have friends who bully others
  • Are increasingly aggressive
  • Get sent to the principal’s office or to detention frequently
  • Have unexplained extra money or new belongings
  • Blame others for their problems
  • Don’t accept responsibility for their actions
  • Are competitive and worry about their reputation or popularity
Here are some traits of the bully:
  • Average or above average self-esteem.
  • Impulsive personalities.
  • Lack of empathy.
  • Difficulty conforming to rules.
  • Positive attitudes toward violence.

  • Some bullies are quite popular, enjoying high status and esteem from their peers, and even teachers. These are called “Hidden bullies” - popular children who exhibit aggression (persistent arguing, fighting, getting in trouble).

  • And here are behavior issues associated to bullies:
    • Get into frequent fights,
    • Be injured in a fight,
    • Vandalize property,
    • Steal property,
    • Drink alcohol,
    • Smoke,
    • Be truant from school,
    • Drop out of school, and
    • Carry a weapon.
    After looking at the last one,I snickered,"Sounds like Congress,right?"

    That's when it hit me:The Republican party is the Alpha Male of Bullying!

    Oh, was all in there all right!Heck,Bullying was practically the Republican hand book.They made an art of it.

    The question I had to ask next was:If America is so deadset against the Bully,how can we tolerate the bully palpate of the Republican party?

    We can't.At least,we shouldn't.The only true way for bullying to stop,is for the Republicans to start to show compassion and tolerance...for them to allow dissension in their racks.Stop bullying,now!Show respect.Give respect.

    I ask you Republican party to lead instead of mis~leading.Be a force for good.Act like the good Americans you claim to be.What the walk.Talk the talk.


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