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Saturday, May 25, 2013

My Thought On Keeping The Separation Of Church And State

I am terrible with grammar and spelling.I guess I never caught on to the math of language.It is sort of like auto mechanics:the words are too grandiose.Negative adjectives,proper pronouns,torque converters,carburetor throttle linkages.

My head swims in these terms.I get lost in the 'sameness',the poetry,the technological jargon of the bureaucratic double speak.

Not that I think that I am a simple man.I contemplate.I perceive.I doubt.I Think.I am.

I enjoy the progression of a plot.I see loopholes in policies{though,mostly after the fact}.I see the connectedness of things.Politics intrigue me.

I just get lost in them.

I am not good at thinking two steps ahead.

And I will never be good at chess.

The reason I bring these things up is just because I am not good at these things doesn't mean I don't enjoy them.

I am not good at baseball,but I love watching it.I stink at grammar,yet,I love a good book.I love to write.

Practice versus natural talent.I don't know the difference.A very talented man will usually fail to a lesser talented man if the more talented man does not have the desire of the lesser.It is true that genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.

Hard work/desire usually pays off more than talent alone.

But where does this desire come from?How does someone get their push to succeed?


Yes,it is true.A good team usually makes their own luck.

But it is also true that not all talent gets recognized.Van Gogh is said to never had made a cent.No prophet is without honor except in his own town.

Sometimes,I think our lives are like grammar.A misplaced comma here,a incomplete sentence there.

Who makes these rules?God?History?Evolution?Talent?Luck?


Chaos.It's too big for me to totally think through.It's all mixed together in seemingly no particular order.


Chaos~it is said~given enough time,monkeys on typewriters could randomly punch out Shakespeare.

So,in my opinion,it thus could be thought,for chaos to be total chaos,there must be,in fact,somewhere in the chaos,formula and science:ORDER!

If not,than chaos is order.Chaos itself can be figured unto it's own methodology...all you really need is a big enough computing device and chaos falls into order.

But,if chaos is not totally chaos.If the monkeys can and do create Shakespeare...that speaks a lot.

That explains a lot.

In the thick of the chaos there is order.

I know.I know what you are thinking.GOD.

Stephen Hawking master theologian/scientist would probably call you out on this.He would probably claim this proves there need be no God.It's all just a mishap of chaos.

And I like his thinking a lot.

While I truly believe that science has no other option than to sooner or later prove the existence of God,I also truly believe it is a theological necessity of scientists to try to disprove God's existence.

As America NEEDS the separation of church and state,so does science NEED to search for truth unencumbered by religious doctrine.

To do otherwise,corrupts both processes.

Just as we believe science to someday~unencumbered and unbiased~to find the absolute truth of truths,so,too,do we need American justice to be blind in the same way.We thus prove the same incorruptible truth about our great United states of America.

To NOT keep church and state separate means we qualify our true beliefs with a disclaimer that we are not absolutely positive in both the truth and justice in our faith and our country.

Scientist's claim that God is not necessary to their equations of finding the answers to our universe.I find this the right and just path in proving just the opposite.So,too,I believe,is the separation of church and state necessary in keeping God in our country.God IS.He does not need lackeys to do his work.He just wants the faithful to harvest the fruits of this great country:Freedom and Justice for all.

I may not know a semi~colon from a catalytic converter,but this is what I believe.

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