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Sunday, March 16, 2014

My Thoughts Against Gun Violence

 Keeping arms away from the criminal & mentally ill gives us a better chance of making

distrubed and criminal people less likely to use guns against good people.Use the NFL as a

 prime example.They are trying to stop concussions.No one is seriously talking about taking

away the player's helmets.They are talking about how to stop people from using the helmets

 from causing concussions.It is hard to have a discussion when people would rather spout pro 

NRA propaganda than actually help stop this voilence against good people by sick and evil 

villians.Buy and have all the guns you want..but arming more people will only end up arming 

more criminals and never stop the killing and maiming.Let's put people above corporate

 profit.Put your gun where your mouth is,let's stop the violence(wait..that didn't sound right)

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