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Monday, March 19, 2007

Wading Through The Blackwater

Excuse me before hand.To get the most out of this post you are going to have to work for it.

It has long been my position that The war in Iraq is a rich man's war with little or no thought of the mostly poor Americans soldiers and troops sent there to fight it.

In my heart,I truly believe that supporting the war is NOT supporting our troops,but just the opposite:supporting this war is not caring for the cost of American lives at all.The war is filling corporate American 's claws.And Corporate America doesn't care about anything except filling their carpet bags with obscene amounts of cash.

The lost of American lives is not just limited to our very brave troops,but there is also the little heard about American civilian death toll.These private deaths are,in some cases,just as horrifying.The supposed neglect by the private sector for their employees' safety is unforgivable.

One of these shameful companies is the very large private mercenary outsourcer called,'Blackwater'[Read about Blackwater:here].

I am not going to get into how Blackwater has sent it's troops onto American soil as a private army in New Orleans.That will have to be a story someone us will have to write about.I just want to tell you how Blackwater made promises to it's soldiers in Iraq,and then let them down and caused their deaths.In order to avoid responsiblity of their employees' deaths,companies like Blackwater are even suing the dead employees' estates!I ask you to please listen to this news story from NPR radio [Here] to hear more about it.
Or read this story from 'Time'magazine.

My simple minded way of thinking is more and more causing me to believe that this war in Iraq is less and less about delivering the Iraqi people freedom and democracy,but about making rich men richer.If these rich men think at all about the cost in human lives it is in how can these lives make them the most amount of money possible.

Here is a list of American civilian deaths in the middle east []You may have to click on,'Nationality' to get the exclusive American list.

I maybe totally off base on my way of thinking of the war.But this is mounting evidence that I am not.We must stop government sponsored corporate welfare NOW!In my opinion,it is the only way to end this senseless war.


Anonymous said...

You are missing the BIG PICTURE.It looks like Blackwater is the Republicans own private not so little army.This is very scary stuff

Anonymous said...

It is not simple-minded thinking when you can see the truth, my friend.


Dharma said... Drew, this a link to another VERY fascinating article, and educational, about Blackwater. I just shook my head. You might like to check it out. IT was part of Mother Jones News.

What If There Is dog? said...

Nice article,Dharma...yet more evidence that the Bush administration does not support the troops.Blackwater has less guidelines and regulations to go through then does owners of a circus.Just like Halliburton,Blackwater is recieving millions of dollars and equipment that otherwize would go to the Untied States military.That the owner is a backer of Bush and they transfer people in and out of each other should be no surprise.

That Bush now has his own private army is a surprise.No wonder he is not afraid of congress.The likelyhood of some sort of republican Guard is scary..what would /could stop Bush/Cheney from using them for a coup?

Support our troops Impeach Bush/Cheney for war crimes