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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Another Classic Drew Repeat

Yes,I have been too tired & too busy(OK,and too lazy)to come up with a new post,so here is one that I orginally published on 6/27/06 called,'Ashes Of The Republican Dream'.Enjoy

What has happened to the Repubican party?

Nice opening,huh?

First off,right out of the bag,I am a die hard Democrat-always have been-always will be.

But,what has happened to the Repubicans?I mean,they have become caricatures of themselves.It is as if they are now Repubicans in name only.

You see,I believe in the two party system.Hell,even throw in a third or forth party once in a while.But,I like the two party system.

I am a Democrat because I am for the small guy,the oppressed,the overworked,the underpaid.Basically,I am Democrat because I am blue collar,and the Repubicans always seemed to benefit only the rich.Hell,I have nothing against the rich,I am just not one of them.So,while we may butt heads,we can both agree that we both are both truly American.

And I have learned under the two party system that the other party does have it's admired strengths.The Repubicans biggest strength in my eyes is that they are strong Constitution guys.I began to believe in the strength and power of The Constitution mainly because of them.While my own party was trying to make an amendment or two to the Constitution,the values of The Repubican always shouted out against such actions.

Us Democrats wanted to ban certain types of guns.The Repubicans,pushed-perhaps,even lead-by The NRA,were always soundly against such anti-Constitutional measures.They yelled that if we started watering down our rights,soon we would have no Constitution left to fight for.I hate to say it,but I agreed with them whole heartedly.If thousands of handgun deaths was the price for our freedom-then,WoW,Our Constitution and the rights that went with it,was worth the sacrifice...even if someday it was my own sacrifice.

This stance by The Repubicans made me more proud of America and our beautiful meaningful Constitution.I may have hated the Repubicans position on allot of things,but I had to admit,that they were 'right on' about The Constitution and what would happen if we ever started trying to water it down.

Now,I am amazed how this so called new breed of Repubicans are trying to wring The Constitution dry.Gay marriage amendments!Anti-flag burning amendments.Amendments to let non-native born Americans run for president.Anti-immigration amendments!What the HELL is wrong with these people?Are they trying to destroy us from within?These are the very people that should be pissed off about all these frivolous amendments.My God,they should be fighting mad about these kind of shenanigans!

So I ask,What has happened to The Repubican party?


Bored Insomniac said...

I am still trying to figure out how the heck Bush got reelected!

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'll admit I am not Democrat, and have a leaning toward Republican (although - I don't recognize much of what I lean towards right now).

I am for the little guy, but (no offense intended) I find the Democrats seem to see the little guy as a victim and I think that if that is so, it has been because it is easier to complain than work your way out of whatever is holding them back.

Realistically, most very rich people in our country have worked hard and earned their wealth, and don't trod on others. The minority of wealthy have had things handed to them (or are superstar athletes and actors who seem to lose their wealth as soon as the glory fades because they do not have good money management skills) and have too high of an opinion of themselves for my taste. They are the "abusers" - but hey, there as just as many Democratic wealthy abusers as well.

Any way, just wondered if we can still be friends?? :)

What If There Is dog? said...

Pam,I agree with you that most upper class people are good hard working people-I have never said otherwise.I partially agree with your view on the Democrats-but partially I don't.I don't see how people can be against welfare,but expect corporate welfare as just part of the system.Are there welfare cheats?Sure.But lobbyists are not pounding down congressmen's doors to benefit them.

My essay was on how the Republican party seemily has changed from strong Constitutionalists to a party willing to break it for the cause of the moment.Why,do you think,that has happened?
