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Monday, November 12, 2007

Quick notes

Here are some quick notes:

Where would I be without friends who care for my well being?I would -and should -kiss you.You know who you are.

The Browns once again got robbed.I won't go as far as my Dad and say the game is fixed,but how come Pittsburgh's offensive line was allowed to tackle our defense without ever getting a flag,but with less then two minutes to go with us on The Steelers 40 yard line we get a THIRTY YARD penalty?Sour grapes?I only wish.

My work sucks.Now that I have been there a whole year I realize that my soul is dying there.The only way to get a head is either give it or,be related to someone high up.Once again,I only wish this was sour grapes.People working there only a month and a half are given the only guaranteed eight hour jobs because they are either the nephew of a higher boss or the Mom of another.Meanwhile they give me a dollar raise only to give me more responsibility with less hours and more travel time(140 miles a day without travel time or gas mileage).

It has been a rough couple of weeks.When it rains,it pours.Which reminds me...

...I like it when it rains.

Shit!It's almost 5:00 am.I gotta go.


Dharma said...

There are times in all our lives when we are faced with decisions that may be unpopular. You may have to make some tough choices about this job and working. You may have to soul search. Take some time and sit alone and look at your options and think big! Don't just ask yourself what does this person or that person expect me to do. Yes, you want the eventual outcome to be for your family, but it has to be a choice that is also good for you. You may have to go to where the job or jobs are. Where you live may be no good for the work that is available to you.

Look outside the box!!

Anonymous said...

I totally feel what you're going through. (Except the football part; the Packers are HOT!)

You can always count on me for moral support. You have my e-mail addy: Feel free to use it early and often.

I love you!


What If There Is dog? said...

Dear Mixter and Dharma,Thank you for being such good friends.It is always nice to have someone to lean on:-)