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Sunday, February 01, 2009

I have just worked 80 hours in just five days(88 in six)..
..and boy am I pooped

I love plowing see some beautiful sights......Orion,the moon and Venus last night in a purple sky...aaah...
...but I need sleep....
...good night


Dharma said...

Well, now you are making up for the lean years! Too tired to spend all your money!!

What If There Is dog? said...

...Ha:-) It is gone faster than I can even think of spending it...three kids in college you know:-(

Dharma said...

Didn't you guys qualify for some type of student loans etc. since you were barely working at the time?

You're not paying for all of it for all three are you? Are they working too?

What If There Is dog? said...

because we scrimped and saved we didn't get nearly what we were thinking we,if we would have blown all our money we would have gotten much more...go figure...

Anonymous said...

Just doesn't pay to be frugal these days...
