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Monday, May 09, 2011

Obama /Bin Laden Questions

First off,I am a big President Obama fan.I think he has done wonders for this country.I am proud to call him my president.Second,I am glad Osama bin Laden is dead.

But,I have a question surrounding bin Laden's death that no one else seems to be asking.If President Obama and his staff were watching the Osama raid 'live',how is it that they at first released over~exaggerated amount of resistance news reports to the media?

Why report that the black ops team was in a massive gun fight when they only came across a couple holding hands.Why state Osama bin Laden fought back with weapons when he was unarmed,with his wife,in their bedroom?

Why go through the Pat Tillman type subterfuge when the whole White House staff saw:in real time((!)) that this did not happen?

And why has no one else asked this serious question?

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