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Friday, May 20, 2011

Obama's Israel Lunacy

Watch this video filmed November 2nd,2007.At 6:10 into it,soon to be assassinated former Prime Minister of Pakistan,Benazir Bhutto,while being interviewed by David Frost,talks about Osama Bin Laden as already being dead.This opens up a whole can of worms about President Obama which I only get into to question why he is doing what he is doing.

Because asking Israel to go back to it's pre-Six Day War borders is sheer lunacy.

Before I go any further,because I can't stand it anymore,lets call Palestine by it's real name:The country of Israel.Why Israel is being called Palestine is beyond me.Oh,that's right,so Arabs that are living in Israel can claim it as their homeland.

Well,there is part of 'Palestine' that Arabs can go to to live that is controlled by's called Lebanon.If living in a free Jewish state is too much for the Arab Palestinian,he can still stay in his/her homeland,just move to Lebanon.

Why do I say this so harshly?Because the land was won in a war!And the war-both sides claim it to be a preemptive war-was won by the Israelis(land,by the way,that was not only used to attack Israel over and over again,but was mandated to the Israel cause by the League Of Nations).

Should The United States give all of the native American lands back?How many victors settle on the loser's terms?

Does anyone,anywhere actually believe that the Israelites giving up any amount of land will appease the Palestinian Arab?

But here is the rub of all rubs...president Obama says if the Israelis want peace that they should give back the the pre-Six Day War land.

Is that a veiled threat?Is that a terroristic threat of war unless the Arab Palestinian gets his way?Isn't that what al-Qaida always threatens The United States with?

Does it all come down to give them what they want or I promise you there will be a war?

Sounds like our president is on the wrong side of this one.Advocating peaceful protests in the middle east is one thing...especially from a president into three Arab wars...but threatening our allies with the threat of war if they don't comply is quite another.

It is sheer lunacy.

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