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Sunday, February 18, 2007

#2 On My To Do List

Look at this photo.It is of a B-17g,probably the most beautiful plane ever built.Since 5th grade I have always loved this aeroplane.

I am finally putting together a dream[to do]list.These are things that I want to accomplish before I die at the age of 110.

The first item on my list is:To make-or at least start-my list.Number Two is:To fly as the right side gunner on a B-17g.I have seen these birds up close many times.I have even been inside two of them,but a ride is $300.00 or more.Now,I actually have a chance for a chance to get my ride.Two towns over,in a town called Urbana,a man is putting a B-17g together.Look here at the photo just past,'Variants/Design Stages.

I have known of this for over a year,and just have been too afraid that my dream might actually come true to go ask to help on it.But,now,with my list,I feel my courage building.What a perfect opportunity!

But I need your help...please encourage me..don't let me off the hook.I know I can do this with your help.I just know I can.

As for the next item on my list...I can't really tell you that one,because then it wouldn't come true.


Dharma said...

Go and do it. There would be no reason to even have the list, or to have started the list, unless you are going to be proactive and do the things that you list. So, unless it is totally unrealistic or outside the realm of your possibility get out there and do it. Regrets are not something you wish to have more of than accomplished items.

What If There Is dog? said...

Thanks for the encouragement,Dharma.Eventhough my list is still only three things long...I plan on doing them all...and that means not being afraid of making the list longer:-)

Anonymous said...

Do yourself a favor, get some air time behind the stick. Pilots are a fraternal bunch, and we'd love to show you around. There are many planes you'd love to ride, trust me!

What If There Is dog? said...

Six...I did not know you were a pilot.Awesome!!!!