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Thursday, May 31, 2007

U.S. Presence In Iraq To Last 50 Years

According to this Reuters article[click here],vice president mean President Bush says he would like to see the U.S. presence in Iraq be more like our presence in S.Korea...meaning permanent and forever.

You have to admit this Karl Rove double speak gobbledygook is a good end around the dummicrat's time set pull out.I can just hear the Bush-wackers,saying,"Check!" if not,"Check mate."

I mean this message is soo far off base that you could swear that the old Clinton era Repubican catch phrase of,"Since when did America become the world's policemen?" being quickly replaced with,"What can the American Empire do for you?"

Yes,this little game of,"Propaganda:Neo-Nazi Style" does seem to be working.After all...who really wants to leave the Iraqis hanging?No one.But that is why this option is soo wrong.

First off,we (meaning The United States) are in S.Korea to ward off any attempt by the communist run state of N. Korea from taking over the more democratic South.Our presence there is to stop war and is part of a negotiated treaty.

But in Iraq,we are an invading force trying to force our will on the country of occupation.By the president's own admission the terrorists are in Iraq because we are in Iraq....and if we leave they will take over.

Gee,it must be nice having it both ways.I sure am glad that this has nothing at all to do with carpet bagging large amounts of profits out of Iraq.

It's not like George lied to us about the weapons of mass destruction,or that it would be a SHORT war or it's a long occupation???

For you doubters,I just have these two things to say: "Fool me once;shame on you.Fool me twice;shame on me!"and"You may deceive all the people part of the time, and part of the people all the time, but not all the people all the time. "
Abraham Lincoln16th president of US (1809 - 1865)

Finally,I pray to God and my Lord,Jesus Christ,that George W.Bush may actually be guided by your hand,instead of by greed or lust for power.Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep praying; I hope it helps. GW and his crew are going to need some divine intervention, I do believe.
