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Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Final Word On Giftmas


Now that I have your full attention,I feel a last word about 'Giftmas' is in order.The Giftmas Season became the international name for the holiday that we now celebrate in December.Everyone loves the Giftmas season(I know that I do),the giving of gifts,Santa Claus,The Giftmas tree,etc.

Most people feel that Giftmas evolved from the old Christian holiday celebrated at this same time for many many years,called,'Christmas',but they would only be partially correct.

The early Christians started their 'Christmas'(a festival to honor their religious deity,Jesus),partially to keep their previously pagan members from worshipping and celbrating 'Sol Invictus'.'Sol Invictus' was the celebration of the birth of the sun.Many sun gods were celebrated during this winter holiday,with much drinking and merry making involved.The Christians simply put their 'spin' onto it to keep the faithful faithful.

But,that is just the beginning.The Roman's made Sol Invictus to get Roman control over the holiday 'Saturnia',the people's celebration of the planet Saturn's return to the winter sky.Saturnia was celebrated with much merry making and feasting.

Saturnia,in itself, was an elongated and somewhat evolved form of the celebration of the 'Winter Solstice',the traditional day of least sunlight in the northern hemisphere.It is believed that early man celebrated this day as the beginning of the sun returning longer and longer into the evening and morning skies.It was the hope of brighter and warmer days ahead.

Finally,as far back as the cavemen,the Winter Solstice was begun simply when a caveman hugged up to a cavewoman for warmth and together in the way that is most natural to humyn-kind celebrated this wonderful warmth.

That is why I am against turning our traditional Earth based 'Giftmas' into 'MarsDay'.Giftmas is a true Earth holiday.Sure,now that Mars has flowing streams and lakes and even the beginning of oceans,they should celebrate these wonderous events...but with our Giftmas?Sure on Marsday they plant the traditional Giftmas tree,but without Santa,they might as well be celelbrating 'Saturnia' or Winter Solstice or even Christmas for that matter.It is just not the same.

Please,I ask you,please,to keep the 'gift' in Giftmas.Thank you,and have a Mery Merry Giftmas,.This is your first gradr reporter,Drew Dharma Mixter III,and Merry Giftmas to you all.

1 comment:

The Culture Ghost said...

Came over here by way of Mixter's place...the crucified Santa is outrageous!!!!