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Monday, December 31, 2007

Hurrah For Dave Letterman!

Ya gotta love David Letterman.He is coming back Wednesday night with all new shows.His first guest is going to be Robin Williams,but the big news of the night is that he is coming back with his writers!

That's right,Dave's production company,'World Wide Pants' has signed an agreement with the writer's union to bring his writers back.Talk about going the extra mile...way to go,Dave!

Unlike the strike breaking Jay Leno.Not only is he crossing the picket line,but he is making his true feelings to the writers who work for him clearly known.Comrade Leno is having Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee on as his first night guest.Fuckin' scab union busting strike breakers.I will never willingly watch Jay or his sidekick Conan again.Pittooie!I spit on you bastards.

And that goes for you hypocrites over at Comedy Central,too.I expected strike breaking tactics from the NBC Republican boys...but not you.I can never watch 'The Daily Show' or 'The Corbert Report' without thinking:'The jokes on me'.Your wit and groundbreaking sarcasm are now as lame to me as George Bush.It is hard to believe how quickly your funny showings of hypocracy now ring like a dull thud...and you can't un-ring the bell,fellas...sorry .

I guess not all people have the class of a David Letterman.


Dharma said...

Sadly, strike aside, Dave must not have the best writers 'cause he has not been funny for about 20 years. I have tried to watch him, but just can't. The top 10 list is soooooo old and not funny in any way. He may appear funnier now that he has writers and no one else does.

When it does come back The Daily Show will still be the best, and only, place to get my news. ( Aside from the internet.) There is just no news program that is as sharp, funny, current and topical. Even the authors, actors and guests are more up to date on Daily Show. I mean, how many times can you watch Dave interview a tired and old Madonna, Julia Roberts or Vince Vaughn?

I'll pass 'cause I guess I just don't have the class.

What If There Is dog? said...

I have always loved Dave.The Same with The daily Show and Corbert...

...but they are dead to me now...
..just shameless $$$ seekers...
...I will never watch them again because their shit is meaningless.You can't make fun of people you are just as bad as...
..that is why I stopped listening to Howard Stern and Paul Harvey.

It's all about the $$$ and I ain't buying what they are selling.

I have been on strike.Screw Comedy Center

Anonymous said...

I agree with Drew on this. I think Dave is funny, and he's a classy dude, besides. The rest of them can go pound sand.
