Stat Counter

Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Heart Attack Part 2

Though I never mentioned having a heart attack,or even chest pressure,I found that if you want quick service in a emergency room,if they think you are having heart problems,the service becomes amazingly quick.

"Welcome to MRH's Emergency Room.Can I help you?"

"I'm beyond help,"I said with a slightly nervous smile.

A smile returned,"Me,too."

"I was at the computer and my head felt dizzy."

"Have you been here before?"


"Well,take a seat.We'll get to you as soon as we can."

"Thank you,"said the wife.

Two minutes-maybe three-later:"Geez,if this was a real heart attack,I'd be dead,now."

"I agree."

Immediately a lady called my name,and we walked into her room.

"Why are you here?"

"When I woke up,I went to the computer.While I was waiting for it to boot up.My head started feeling heavy/dizzy-ish.I stood up.My chest felt heavy."

!"Did you say you had chest pressure?"

"Well..more like a heaviness-"

Suddenly she snapped to life.Things went quickly from then on.

I was whisked into a wheel chair-rushed into a room.Buttons were pushed.I was EKG'd.Blood pressure was administered.Blood was taken.Shots given.It was a mad hurry to to give me the best and fastest treatments possible.

I had what I consider the best care for any E.R.Efficient;effective,compassionate...the whole ship and caboodle.

I had a  slow erratic extra beat heart rhythm.

Blood tests showed that my blood contained an enzyme(Creatine kinase???) that is only given off(most probably) if there has been damage to the heart.

The E.R. doctor told me that I had slight traces of this enzyme in my blood.That they needed to monitor me for 2 four hour periods(at least) to see were my enzyme levels would go.

So it was off from the E.R. up to room 4123A for monitoring,questioning,poking,prodding,waiting...and MORE.

Both Robyn and I had a lunch.Watched 'The Price Is Right'.Thinking,ahh,hopefully just a treatable mild heart arthymia.

Then the heart specialist came in,"Your enzyme levels went up.It appears that you have had a mild heart attack."

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