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Friday, January 05, 2007

UFO's Of Note

Recent UFO chatter seems to be centered around the November 7th,2006 O'Hara airport sightings in Chicago.Why is this disturbing to me?Because it is close to where my friend,Mixter lives.Now,if that isn't enough,what about this....At last count,I have had over 50 hits to my site meter from Thailand checking out my Saddam Hussein/Oklahoma music parody....and they have sighted UFO's[click here]there as well.My good friend,Osquer lives in Bridgeville,Pa.,and they,too, have also been sighting them[Click here].This one[*] could have been near College Town,and this one[**] was in the town where my brother Carl lives.Of course none of these are as famous as the famous 1952 Bellefontaine sighting,but they are way more recent.Having actually seen a UFO[***] and-perhaps even been taken by one{I have never been adequately able to explain the round indent scar on my left calf muscle},I wonder is this some sort of insidious plot?Are they monitoring my every movement?Are they tracking my computer messages?Listening into my phone calls?Even opening my private mail?Nah,that's just my government.Whooooo,I was scared there for a minute.....Mmmm where's Scully and Mulder when you need them?


Anonymous said...

You are funny, The Drew!

Have you ever seen a UFO? I would love to.


What If There Is dog? said...

Click on the [***].It tells the story of my UFO sighting

Dharma said...

All very interesting, but.... how do you explain stuff like this and / or believe in it when you are a staunch christian person, as I know you are, when this is not the kind of stuff most of them believe in. Is it compatible with religion?

What If There Is dog? said...

Sure,Dharma,in my opinion,outerspace is very compatible.Some Mormon's believe that they will be a god to their own planets.The new testament proclaims that there are many mansions up in Heaven...a verse that I interpret in a short story(novella)that I have written to mean that man is supposed to do God's will by colonizing space.The question I ask...did Jesus come to other planets to other will eventually prove the exsistence of God-space travel maybe one of the methods...thank you,my friend,one very good question

Dharma said...

That Mormon thing, I have never heard that. The way it goes, they believe as man is God once was, as God is man may become. They all, or we all, have the ability to become like God. That is how they state it. not that they will have "planets" to rule.

What If There Is dog? said...

According to 'SOME' Mormons that I have talked to,one of the glories of becoming a Latter Day Saint is having a planet(or serirs of planets) to rule.The doctrine I have seen is somewhat unclear,some suggest that God has a wife and has earned the right to rule earth and that we in turn can achieve a similar reward.I first heard of this from an old girlfriend taking me to her Mormon church,and one of the Elders/Deacons..whatever,explained this to me.I have also heard this from LDS missionaries that I have talked to.I do understand that not all Mormons believe this,or maybe misinterputing this claim.I hold that -like everyone else-they have a right to believe what they want and how they want.You asked about conflicts in my belief system and I pointed this as an example to onlyy help my cause...if you have any information that can show me that this is not sound LDS doctrine,please forward it to me,and I will print a retraction

Dharma said...

There is nothing in print that says that is what they say. I think, after 8= years I would know if a planet was what I was going to inherit. :-) They believe in 3 degrees of the celestial kingdom, but not "planets". Go to their official web site in Utah and read that stuff. There are too many other web sites that profess other stuff and who knows what the Reorganized LDS church esposes, but I am telling you what I learned after many years and believe me, planets were never discussed anywhere. retraction not necessary. You can say whatever you want to in blog land. I'm just telling you the skinny from the actual day to day activities that they pursue.

What If There Is dog? said...

Good morning,Dharma...what are you doing up so early?Going to work at SB's?I have been to the offically LDS websight,and actually what most of what it says about the afterlife is very very close to what I believe.I also believe that we will be adopted sons and daughters of God living with him for eternity and being like him.The Catholic church holds a similar view-actually partitioning-some say praying-to the holy saints.The Mormon church's stance that God was once like man,or man like is an idea I have thrown around.I have no problem with it.But the Mormons-or some of them-do believe beyond that.Does the name KOLOB mean anything to you?This is supposed to be the star system that God either lives on or came from.Believe me,I am neither trying to show disrespect nor am I trying making fun of the Mormon religion.They have strong family values,love and God and Jesus.What more do they need?I am in no way throwing stones either at your beliefs or that of the Latter Day Saints.I apoligize to you if I thought in any way that I was.

Dharma said...

No, I was just responding as someone who had never heard that info in all those years. Sounded more like Tom Cruise Scientology stuff. Not that I was ever that ensconced anyway. You know me...never quite fit in anywhere! Although I am not sure they are not correct, but more and more I am closer to believeing that they really are a cult. Their stuff is all WAY to similar to the stuff that the masons do, all the secret hush hush stuff and all those early Mormon guys were Masons, so you do the math. But after reading more about the Masons I do believe that much of the Mormon, so called acts in the temples, was taken from the masons. Remember, I have been there once, to their temple in D.C. Had the "special" clothing and all that.

What If There Is dog? said...

That is something I never knew...and a story well worth hearing...please tell..