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Saturday, June 09, 2007

"King George The First" or "The National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive"

I hate prophecy.I have vast experience with it...and I hate it!First off:you never know that it is true until after the fact.

A prime example of this happened to me.I was in high school,and I was just starting to date a girl that would become a prominent part of my life.

We-holding hands-as a couple- were walking down the hall when these chubby twin boys started chanting in front of us."She will break your heart.She will break your heart."

Maybe it was the fact that this prophecy came in twos[a traditional sign that it came from God] that led me to put value to it.But I felt the prophecy in it.That I believed that it came from God,on the other hand,validated the relationship.There was no way I would or could break it off.Though my relationship did not flourish in the way that I hoped(yes,the prophecy did come true)it changed my life forever,and I hold that relationship in great esteem in my heart.It is a treasure-like a diamond to me.

But I hate the prophecy.I always have.I always will.

What brings me to this story of old,is that there are different types of prophecy.One type,is God talking through people(ie the chubby twins).But there is yet another type of prophecy:literally seeing the writing on the wall(ie as in the Book of Daniel).Now,I am not claiming this to be the case...but it is damn close enough to scare the hell out of me.

Without congressional approval President George W.Bush has published a directive virtually making him King George(or dictator George,if you prefer) in case of a catastrophic emergency.( )

This article explains this directive allot better then I could,but let me just give you the gist of it.Basically,in case of a terrible lost of life and/or property disaster,good old George is put totally in charge of EVERYTHING!And I mean everything.The wording is such that he can claim complete control over the United States Government.Congress and their ilk could claim otherwise,but the fight would be long and drawn out,and their(the Congress's) argument could be found noll and void on the grounds that they did not dispute it UNTIL after the fact of the disaster.

This is what gets me,it doesn't even have to be a terrorist attack.It could be another hurricane Katrina....any disaster will do.

I don't consider myself to be a loose cannon by any means-unlike those 'Loosechange' people( totally and truly believe in Truth,Justice and The American Way.I believe that if we as the American people don't give an inch into terror-then by definition-then,and only then-do the terrorist lose.

And as I said before:I hate prophecy.But(that damnable 'But')....

....This is where I see the writing on the wall.Just before the 2008 national election,especially if the schmo running on the Republican ticket is losing,there will be a catastrophic disaster[my guess-germ warfare against the Capitol Building] and King George will grow his little Hitler mustache and take total control.Thank you,Karl Rove.

I know what you are thinking:'Drew,you are giving into terror',because I am thinking it,too.The truth that makes this directive so scary is that I only found out about it a few days ago through a comic strip called,Candorville.This is the strip(click on it to enlarge it):

The question then remains...where has the mainstream media been?Why haven't they been all over this?This is MAJOR MAJOR stuff!


....I forgot.How stupid of me.

From This point forward I am boycotting all the major 24 hour news(and I use that term loosely)channels.They can just as easily fill their massive amounts of blank news time with attempted overthrows of our government as they could with dim-wit here,but($$$)they choose not to.Shame on them!


Dharma said...

I quit watching those n"news" channels a long time ago. I told you that when I want the news I watch the Daily Show. Not just for fun, but for the facts. Jon Stewart will show you how silly the rest of them are. How they all waste our time. I would be willing to say that Meet the Press is one of the few programs that I even watch any longer.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. I hardly ever watch the news, but my parents happened to leave it on all last week while the "only thing going on in America" was the Paris Hilton drama. I am ashamed of our news media.