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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Great Morning Sky!!!

This morning(January 30,2008)was cold as hell in Bellefontaine..The temperature was only 6 degrees and the wind chill was a freezing minus 15 degrees(F).Yet,as I left my car at work's parking lot,I saw an amazing sight.Glowing brightly in the bible black per-dawn sky were these absolutely shining objects.Venus and Jupiter seemed almost together and Antares off to the right seemed almost as bright.At first,I thought that,perhaps,i was was seeing three airplanes.but I wasn't!
As cold as the air and the wind were,this amazing,magnificent sight was what really took my breath away.Venus and Jupiter will be here awhile.I suggest making sure you get up to see this just plain awesome spectacular at least once.
Double WoW!!!

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