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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

There's Got To Be A Mourning After

First,there's this:

The 'Right' is 'wrong' on so may things,and Bill O'Reilly is their poster boy.This man is so far off base on so many things that this incredible statement-given as smug fact-is just another example of his pompous 'ass'ininess.I am not sure that I am not just propelling this line of propaganda further along by promoting it.

But,ignoring this problem is just what these neo(conservative)Nazi's want us to do.The problem with homeless vet's is just too big of a problem to do that.

Never having served in the military,I admire those that do.I believe that most veterans fight for the right of other Americans-like me- to serve their country in many other different ways.The military troops of a America are a breed a part.Both God and country should bless them.

According to this article from ',The Department Of Veterans Affairs,states that there are 1,500 returning vets from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that could be considered homeless.In the same article,'The National Alliance To End Homelessness',states that during 2006,336,000 vets were considered homeless at one time or another.

Bill O'Really,is more then just blowing smoke up are asses,he is almost committing treason.He is not just ignoring the problem,he is derogating the problem-pooh-poohing it away.This so called,patriot,and Republican flag waving war monger,is disclaiming the very heroes that are fighting for his and our freedom!

O'Really is just chump change when it comes to our homeless vets.The reason most vets become homeless is because they have a difficult time re-acclimating themselves into the mainstream society.According to this article from AlterNet.Org,here's why:They're heroes.Everyone knows about boot camp.How fighting and becoming a well oiled soldier is drilled into fresh new recruits.These young men and women are taught the ways of war.Kill without thinking.Obey orders.Make quick judgements.Normally sound social values are pushed to the side to make a better soldier.

I don't know how a person could survive a war without this training.

When a soldier comes home minus a limb,we can see his or her cost at serving our country.What we can't see is his or her mental cost.How does one come back to the world of opening doors for Gramma,smiling mothers strolling their babies,and stop and go traffic after seeing all these as ghostly apparitions in the daily trials of fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan?We've all read the stories,see it on the news;how can a man or woman come back home without some emotional backlash?

And they probably should.It is a sign of mental stability and finely breed values clashing with the cost of war that is leaving these men and women homeless.It is a heart breaking lost.I don't see how any soldier returns without some type of shadow following them.

The government sees this as a problem as well.In what they call,'The Psychological Kevlar Act',they have come up with a solution made for nipping this problem at the bud....a cheap drug called,Propranalol.Sometimes called,'The Mourning After' pill,it is taken to relieve the taker of the emotional baggage associated with warfare.Propranalol supposedly does not take away the memory of combat,but makes the subject feel nonchalant about it.

I ask,this helps,how?

Why do I feel this drug will end up causing more problems then it stops?Soldiers are coming home,some,because they can't (or can) add up two and two together,and are having a very difficult time adjusting to HOME.This makes them human,perhaps needing of medical attention,and the very least,our respect.

Is a drug(probably under tested and with no known testing for long term side effects) that possibly will turn our fighting men and women into emotionless zombies really the answer...?

...I don't know.You tell me.

1 comment:

Dharma said...

No, but I'm sure that they will broker a big $$$$$ deal with big pharma anyway and it will happen.