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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Roe vs.Wade:35 Year Anniversary

Presented as fact: There are currently 25 pregnant girls in our town's school system.The youngest is in fifth grade.

Presented as fact: Last year had the lowest abortion rate since 1990: one million,five hundred thousand.

Presented as fact: Many Pro-life citizens are Christian.They believe abortion is murder,and that the taking of an innocent unborn child is particular abhorrent.They base their belief on such Biblical references as the Old Testament's ,
'Thy Shall Not Kill',and This from Jeremiah 32:31-35: And then they went out and built shrines to the god Baal in the valley of Hinnom, where they burned their children in sacrifice to the god Molech—I can hardly conceive of such evil!—turning the whole country into one huge act of sin.' And from such passages from the New Testament as Mark 10:13-16:The people brought children to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus was irate and let them know it: "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me. These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in." Then, gathering the children up in his arms, he laid his hands of blessing on them.

The very idea of sacrificing children to the god of 'convenience' seems horrible and strange to these Christians that are taught that all human life has value.

Presented as fact: The Pro Choice movement in America is against government interference(or for very limited interference) when it comes to a woman's reproductive rights.Pro choice 'is not' pro abortion,but for reproductive choice.The pro-choice movement is about personal responsibility for one's own body.The pro-choice movement worries that any laws prohibiting choice will limit personal freedoms.Pro-choice believes that a government should have very limited involvement in personal life choice decisions.

The Pro-Choice movement believes that giving the United States government the final say on whether your mother,daughter,or sister lives or dies a prohibitively abhorrent concept.

Presented as fact:If you believe that abortion is justifiable in case of saving the mother's life,or in cases of rape and/or incest:you are pro-choice.

Presented as fact:There are many forms of legalized murder in the United states:Executions of criminals;self defense;defending your country and/or it's interests;medical legalized euthanasia[pulling the plug on terminally ill],etc.

Presented as fact:There is no definitive definition to when 'human' life begins,let alone when it is first considered murder to terminate that said life(i.e. a fertilized egg may,through a woman's natural cycle,be washed from her system.This could never be considered murder).If a women with a 20 week old fetus is murdered,the killer could be charged with a double homicide,yet the woman could still legally have an abortion.What would the outcome be if she was on the way to an abortion clinic is any body's guess.

Presented as fact:Women who've had abortions can suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

Presented as fact:In the United States,it is believed that there are over 3,200 pregnancies a year in this country caused by rape.

Presented as fact:fetuses as young as 22 weeks can now survive outside the womb.

If you have anything to add to this list,let me know.


Dharma said...

The only "fact" that matters and makes any difference is that it is a personal "choice". End of story. A person can be presented with as many facts as you like, but in the end NO ONE should be made to go against their own CHOICE! If we are a free country and a free people then, we are free to make this choice as well.

It would be a very sad day indeed if Roe is ever overturned. Women would go back to the days of butchers. No matter what the numbers say, there might be that person who wishes to make that choice, but would be committing a crime to do so. There are far worse things going on in the world. I am sick and tired of people that focus on changing this. They need to find a hobby.

What If There Is dog? said...

No choice is a choice without knowledge of all your choices.I considered this post pro-choice.
'Knowledge is power'
'Ignorence is bliss'
If you choose to walk around blissfully,that is your choice.

Dharma said...

I know the choices, thank you. It does not one should be able to take away OUR choice. We are born with free agency and no one should be able to legislate that for us. We are intelligent enough to be informed.

Also, I think that it is an insult to think that those who choose "choice" are walking around in some blissful ignorance,

What If There Is dog? said...

Hi,dharma,thank you for youe input.I did not say those who pick 'choice' are ignorent.That is not what I said,and you know it.Because I choose to see both sides of the issue does not make me the enemy.Though it seems most days that you are the only person besides myself to read my blog,this post was not written for you.I beleive I know your opinions on abortion.

Tis post was my views on the subject.I am pro choice.I always have been.

I do find it,at least,somewhat ironic,though,that the woman that so willfully protest that it is their body and therefore,their choice,so totally willing to deny the father any choice at all.

It takes two to play.

It's just hypocritical,thats all.I don't see that opinion being any different than that of pro-lifer's.

It is wrong to say only woman have reproductive rights.Selfish,also....but then,many woman are pro-life until they get pregnant.

Of course,you will make the counter point,that it is only the woman that goes through the physical pregnancy,which makes my point.

Your freedom only goes so far as YOU have the choice.Perhaps,as it should be.

But,then,don't talk to me about denying choices to someone.You do it yourself.

This post was to educate.Give all sides possible.To think otherwise is just plain....

Dharma said...

I think that to not involve, or discuss, with the father is wrong and selfish, but ultimately the choice is ours. Unless the father would have compelling reasons and or other insights help etc.

What If There Is dog? said...

...a man should have some choice in his offspring

upstares said...

If you are pro-choice, and you are trying to show both sides of the issue, what's up with "pro-life citizens are Christian"? The real issue is ABORTION, not your religious belief, and not your right to privacy.
If I believe that human life begins at conception (Yes, I can believe that, even though you say there is no beginning point) and I am also against killing another human being, regardless of my religion or my right to kill that human being in private, then I must view abortion as a very bad thing.
I am killing a human person, even if that person lives inside my body at the moment.

What If There Is dog? said...

Dear Pro-Human,you bring up some very good points.There ARE non-religious people whom are pro-life.

I was simply pointing out the facts both pro and con on Roe vs legal abortions.

If you are pro-life,then do you argue against the morning after pill and for not using frozen embryo's for stem cell research?

If you are,is a pill that 'might' take away life worse then a ban that virtually throws away frozen life?Instead of throwing this life away shouldn't it be used to further more life?

Also,are people that are for saving baby seals yet,pro-choice, confused?How can you put baby seals ahead of baby humans?

How can you be anti-death penalty and pro-choice?

Pro choice means it is up to the mother to choose what is correct for her body.It means the government should not be able to choose fetus over mother,that that should be a family's choice.America is not China.It should NOT force it's procreation choices on it's people.

Does mercy trump life...or does life matter-no matter it's quality?

A newborn baby can not live outside the womb without HELP!.It can be argued that neither can a one or two year old.Should they be allowed to be snuffed out?Why?Why not?

Should the spilling of seed be considered murder?

The trouble with always being for life,is that life may or may not always be the best choice.

Who is to decide this choice for you?You?Your family?Your friends?Your church?Your church's representitive?Your government?

I am not saying these things to confuse you,but to give both sides of the issue...

..that is why I am pro-choice.Because we should have one.