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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Bush Admits Defeat???

I am no expert.I am biased.Maybe I am just seeing what I want to see.But I think Bush thinks we are losing 'The War On Terror'.How so,you ask?Easy,as our leader,he is leading us in the direction of accepting this defeat.In my opinion,he is telling us that we have no hope of winning this war.How so?

Take WW II. FDR told us that we had nothing to fear,but fear itself.Of course,World War Two was the most desperate of times.We were attacked at Pearl Harbor.Most of our fleet was destroyed.Hitler and his Nazi horde were marching through Europe.Yet,our president told us through his words not to fear.Now,this was leadership.Not being afraid of losing made rationing easier.Not fearing made the lost of loved ones worth the cost.Victory,oh victory,how brave the greatest generation stood to achieve you.

Yet,if we look closely at George W.Bush,we can see he projects the exact opposite effect.

Members of our President's own party and ideology are preaching-with glee in their voices-either the beginning of WW III or the world ending final Apocalypse.My God!This is fear mongoring at it's worst!Does this sound like we are winning?This doesn't even sound like we have a chance of winning!

And how does our President George W.Bush handle this?I know how I would if I were him.I would say that this was UnAmerican and unpatriotic talk.I would make sure that I mentioned this as nay saying in the same breath that victory was possible.How can our president condemn the Democrats for wanting to'cut and run'when his own constituents wail and whoa worst defeats.I mean'WW III? The Apocalypse?Cutting and running seems like nothing compared to those two critters.

It is as if Bush is admitting defeat.That all is lost.Oh,how I wish that the only thing we had to fear,was fear itself.

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