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Friday, October 13, 2006

Friday Feast

Appetizer-Approximately how many hours per week do you spend reading other blogs?Too much,but not enough
Soup-Your community wants everyone to give one thing to put into a time capsule. What item would you choose to include?One of my family's Christmas card cd's
Salad-What is the most interesting tourist attraction you've ever visited?All of the National monuments in Washington D.C.
Main Course-If you could give an award to anyone for anything, who would it be and what would the award be titled?Under Acheiver Award-Me
Dessert-What do you think your favorite color reveals about your personality?That I'm a rookie,I'm envious,I'm an enviromentalist,I'm a frog muppet


Dharma said...

I like this F.F. I must participate.

1. Maybe an hour or more daily, but some days more & others less.
2. My denim jacket & all its buttons & pins.
3. I concur, all of D.C.
4. Understanding & Compassion for the Worker Award- Howard Schultz CEO of Starbucks for offering full health insurance benefits to part time employees.
5. I'm an artist, I'm complex, I'm difficult, I'm unique.

What If There Is dog? said...

Dharma...very good feast.i am trying to guess your fav colour...I am guessing either red or purple

Dharma said...

Nope, black.

What If There Is dog? said...

Black is good