There are two types of people:Those that think that there are two types of people & those that don't.
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Wednesday, October 04, 2006
One In The Hand-Two In The Bush
I am the type that does not necessarily believe that one in the hand is worth two in the bush-in fact,most times I think just the opposite,but that is today's theme.First off:Happy 75th Birthday Dick Tracy.Today,you have been in the funny papers seventy five years!I read you every day.Just who does that early comic version of Dick look like anyway?
Secondly,there are three gas station chains that I will not knowingly do business with.Number one on my list is Shell.They raised the price of their gas by $1.50 the day after hurricane Katrina,and I have not been back since.Secondly,I will no longer go to Citgo.Citgo is a subsidiary of Venezuela,whose president Hugo Chávez,called Bush,Satan and said he smelled like my opinion,those are fightin' words.Up yours!Chavez(You watch out,too,Danny Glover)!Third,Exxon,any company making nearly a billion dollars a day,does not need my business(except maybe Wal-Mart and/or Micro-soft).
Have you ever smelled Bush? Maybe he does smell like sulfur. I've never gotten close enough to find out one way or another...
Have you ever smelled Bush? Maybe he does smell like sulfur. I've never gotten close enough to find out one way or another...
I don't think Bush smells like sulfer-but that is besides he point.
If he doesn't I am surprised!! I do know that all that "I'm a good christian" crap that he spouts off means little to nothing. What a hypocrite!!
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